The left has shown quite an affinity in recent years for eroding First Amendment free speech rights. They have sought to shut down any speech that is conservative or does not support certain liberal policies.
Recently, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the Department of Justice was looking into ways to take legal action against those who speak out against global warming fearmongering.
While liberals have proven their contempt for the First Amendment, they reserve their true hatred for the Second Amendment — the right to keep and bear arms. No politician has been more outspoken against American gun owners than Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.
Clinton has even used the issue of gun control to outflank her opponent, socialist Senator Bernie Sanders’ left. The fact that the aging Marxist earned a D- from the National Rifle Association (NRA) apparently is not good enough for Hillary Clinton.
In the 2016 election, Clinton has often intimated that she will curtail the rights of legal gun owners in this country if elected president.
Now, in a leaked audio recording, Clinton states outright that she will do just that. To listen what the former first lady and secretary of state had to say about chipping away at the Second Amendment, watch the video and continue reading on the next page:
So… she has no problem, as an individual, saying the Supreme Court is WRONG in an opinion on the Second Amendment. On the other hand, if some individual dared to say the Supreme Court was wrong on the same-sex marriage issue, she would have the tar heating, and the feathers on the way. She really should see somebody about her psychological issues.
And you are. murderer, Killary, not to mention a liar .
So I guess that means the country’s founders fudged up right?
What a class one A hole
She really thinks she’s more smart than the Supreme Court???, and she expects us to put her in the Chief Exacutive office??? I think not. I still cant get over the low caliber of people who get picked to run for these offices!! Do they have direct contact with evil, or is it a fungus that affects their brains??? Hells fire, the democrats odered up an overdose of whatever it is!!! Repubs have been putting in a bid to see if they can beat the dems in cowardice and treason!!!! We will have to accept war in this country to settle once and for all where this people want the country to go!!! Liberals give it all away little by little, and conservatives misplaced their wherewithal to take up any task to keep it either!!! Not a good outlook!!!!
The Supreme Court is wrong and you’re right that’s hilarious you’re right and the FBI is going to be wrong, not only are you hilarious but you’re also delusional.
She’s nuts
How would you know, Rodham? You’re always wrong.
All of those people that are in he senate heed to go to school again. They have given in to the liberals way too long!
Fusk you lying bitch