When you manage to out-liberal your socialist opponent on an issue, it may be a cause for alarm for voters. But that is exactly what Hillary Clinton is doing in the Democratic primary.
In a newly released audio recording that was likely obtained at a private event, Hillary Clinton could be heard savaging the National Rifle Association and gun rights.
“So I’m going to speak out. I’m going to do everything I can to rally people against this pernicious, corrupting influence of the NRA,” Clinton could be heard saying.
“And we’re going to do whatever we can. I’m proud when my husband took them on and we were able to ban assault weapons but he had to put a sunset on it so, 10 years later, of course, Bush wouldn’t agree to reinstate them.
“We’ve got to go after this,” Clinton vowed.
“Here again, the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”
Considering Hillary Clinton’s well-documented history of extensive flip-flopping, it would not shock anyone if she turns back into Annie Oakley when the general election comes around.
After all, this is the candidate who ran to Barack Obama’s right on the issue of guns in 2008. It seems clear, however, that her opinions expressed behind closed doors reveal her true feelings on the Second Amendment.
She is another pig sucking idoit along with her husband bill they are just pig$#%&!@*under my boot.
F**k you pig