In the wake of the attack on Umpqua Community College (UCC) Hillary Clinton is pushing new regulations on gun shows and a change in laws allowing shooting victims and their families to sue gun manufacturers.
Clinton said she would propose “[tightening] rules governing gun show and Internet sales,” which is a reference to the expansion of background checks that has eluded Democrats and Democrat surrogates like Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly since January 2013.
More idiocy on the next page:
We should be able to prosecute criminals!
Shooters should be given an appointment in the electric chair. Try blaming the felon, not a tool.
Get out of politics
gun mfgr’s should be able to sue user’s for bad choices and bad advertisement from those actions.
You know what the irony is here, Jake? One, this is very old news. But further, watch the video. Very sound reasoning, very good proposals. If your a hunter, or want guns for protection, you should have no objections to these proposals. Unless, you think this is as good as we can do, 30,000 gun deaths, 10,000 murders, when other westernized countries have single digits. Do some research into the “iron pipeline” Georgia has more gun stores than McDonalds. The NRA brags these guns were “purchased legally” by people who passed background checks. Yeah, dozens at a time. And they end up on the streets of Chicago. This is a crisis, and in the past, our country has acknowledged problems, and worked to solve them. But now, the NRA can convince some that this is the best we can do, or there is no problem. The oil industry can convince some to ignore all science. Well, some of us don’t want to go on this ride. We can, and should, be doing a whole lot better, and it means change. Different. This ain’t working
You know what the irony is here, Jake? One, this is very old news. But further, watch the video. Very sound reasoning, very good proposals. If your a hunter, or want guns for protection, you should have no objections to these proposals. Unless, you think this is as good as we can do, 30,000 gun deaths, 10,000 murders, when other westernized countries have single digits. Do some research into the “iron pipeline” Georgia has more gun stores than McDonalds. The NRA brags these guns were “purchased legally” by people who passed background checks. Yeah, dozens at a time. And they end up on the streets of Chicago. This is a crisis, and in the past, our country has acknowledged problems, and worked to solve them. But now, the NRA can convince some that this is the best we can do, or there is no problem. The oil industry can convince some to ignore all science. Well, some of us don’t want to go on this ride. We can, and should, be doing a whole lot better, and it means change. Different. This ain’t working
what a stupid moron …
Hillary Clinton and her following have some serious mental issues.