In the wake of the attack on Umpqua Community College (UCC) Hillary Clinton is pushing new regulations on gun shows and a change in laws allowing shooting victims and their families to sue gun manufacturers.
Clinton said she would propose “[tightening] rules governing gun show and Internet sales,” which is a reference to the expansion of background checks that has eluded Democrats and Democrat surrogates like Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly since January 2013.
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What about prosecuting killers instead of manufacturers??????
“I came, I saw, I lost..”
Hillary you belong in prison for crimes against America and if everyone was aloud to carry a gun you would not have this problem
When is she EVER going to shut up!!!
Time for her to retire.She is acting very strange lately.
B******t. That’s what you are.
why won’t this women just crawl under her rock and leave us alone.
You are not clever , Hillary !
Ok let that happen…But we should be able to sue her every time she opens her mouth or shows her face.