In the wake of the attack on Umpqua Community College (UCC) Hillary Clinton is pushing new regulations on gun shows and a change in laws allowing shooting victims and their families to sue gun manufacturers.
Clinton said she would propose “[tightening] rules governing gun show and Internet sales,” which is a reference to the expansion of background checks that has eluded Democrats and Democrat surrogates like Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly since January 2013.
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Stupid! The manufacturer of the gun was not involved in the shooting. People need to learn to respect life!
How about the hit men you’ve hired, hillary ???
So, does that mean I can sue Ruth’s Chris for making me fat?
Well then, since all Americans are victims of you, Hitlary, we’re all lined-up at city hall to file.
F U killery
So if I get hit by a truck does that mean I can sue Ford or Dodge instead of the driver?
Then ugly people should be able to sue cosmetic company’s!
Who is this old bag of criminal$#%&!@*
That means the guns you gave to Isis ,our troops that have gotten killed should sue you Hillary!
That it ridiculous! A gun can be loaded and left without being touched for 20 years, it will not shoot anyone! That requires someone to act.