In the wake of the attack on Umpqua Community College (UCC) Hillary Clinton is pushing new regulations on gun shows and a change in laws allowing shooting victims and their families to sue gun manufacturers.
Clinton said she would propose “[tightening] rules governing gun show and Internet sales,” which is a reference to the expansion of background checks that has eluded Democrats and Democrat surrogates like Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly since January 2013.
More idiocy on the next page:
We won’t need gun control once Barry and Killary are gone
Choke on it ms hill
This Hag should STFU and go away.
When will this women take a back seat and shut up,The government is the corrupt ones doing all this to make everyone out here look like no one can get along at all ..and there killing there own kind how sad is that. Everyday we are hearing things we never thought we’d hear before,its disgusting This women is nuts and evil and corrupt ..She needs to just go away, and to think she wants to run for Mayor of New York. Are you kidding me she will cause so much c**p she will drive everybody nuts..its all staged to get what they want went be good .it will be disgusting to see ..We all need the Eyes of the Eagles to not be blinded by the Evil..
Soldiers should e able to sue you fat ass
They should rather sue Hillary and her former boss since they’ve created ISIS and this guy stinks of ISIS.
now that’s really a stupid statement.. it wasn’t the manufacturers fault… wake up.. stop blaming everyone else for others stupidity..
asshole go back in your closet