Any voter in the U.S. who did not support for president the most intelligent woman in the nation is obviously a sexist if not a confirmed misogynist. In fact, that’s so obvious that it should not even have to be mentioned, right? The fact that she lost proves that there are enough sexists in America to throw the vote to the ultimate sexist, Donald Trump.
Give us all a break!
One can only listen to Hillary and her acolytes extol her manifold virtues for so many years before finding the whole discussion to be nauseating. Instead of being virtue and intelligence personified, she’s just a self-aggrandizing windbag who accomplished what she has by aggressively using people and causes, and quite possibility in criminal ways.
More on page two.
Your gonna need a time machine
Surprised That it’s not The Rapist William Jefferson Clinton’s wife the LOOSER THEY choosed
Awww that’s right Biden is a PUNK just like The$#%&!@*president
Facebook has already taken it down to protect the narrative of The Homosexual Bigoted Treasonous N0N American President
It was established that anyone who dared to criticize Obama was guilty of racism. This only happened with conservatives because no liberal ever uttered a critical word toward Obama during both of his terms. Rep. Keith Ellison emerged as the only democrat to say that maybe Obama wasn’t the greatest and seeing as how both men are black, this appears to be a black-on-black hate crime. Of course there is that liberal rule that they get to do and say things that conservatives are forbidden from, but Obama is the left’s messiah so Ellison may still be guilty of racism here.
At a University of Minnesota shindig on Wednesday to help democrats try to regain some relevancy, Rep. Ellison did the unthinkable and said some unflattering things about Obama. The Moderator asked Ellison if he thought Obama “was responsible for some of the failures of 2016.”
“Yeah, he was,” replied Ellison.
*Gasp* I’m not sure but that might have also been an act heresy.
And there was more.
“Barack Obama could have been a better party leader and I think that the fact that he wasn’t has put his legacy in jeopardy,” said Ellison.
Holy$#%&!@* This is all very true, but democrats aren’t supposed to say these things out loud. It’s like the same thing as Bill Clinton being a rapist or Hillary Clinton being a lying sack of c**p. Everyone knows it, but none dare speak it publicly.
Ellison kept going, giving Obama$#%&!@*for not campaigning very hard in the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections that saw both the House and the Senate shift from democrat to Republican.
“He’s great at getting himself elected, but I think he should’ve worked much more closely with [elections for] Congress,” Ellison said.
True, but cold coming from a fellow democrat.
Finally, Ellison said that Obama was largely to blame for the 2016 election in which democrats failed to re-take the Senate and of course the election of Donald Trump.
“I think that he can’t say that he wasn’t part of those losses. I mean, who else. Right?” Ellison asked.
Well, there was Hillary Clinton who is a horrible person and ran a terrible campaign. She deserves some of the blame as well as the democrats themselves who stacked the deck in her favor to ensure she was the party candidate. But yeah, Ellison is right that 2016 was a referendum on Obama’s presidency and the American people said “no more.”
Ellison looks like a heretic for criticizing Obama, at least to the democrats, but in a weird way this is the smartest thing to come of a donkey’s mouth in forever. The fact remains that Obama was a bad president and under his leadership over a thousand democrats at the state and federal level were voted out of office. In reaction to Obama’s poor leadership, the balance of power from the statehouses to the White House shifted from blue to red.
Running on Obama’s “accomplishments” and message has done nothing for democrats except put them out of work. It only took 7 years for a democrat to realize this, and Ellison is probably a party outlier, so they still probably don’t quite get it.
Meanwhile, Maxine Waters needs to come out and condemn Ellison for his racist condemnation of Barack Obama so the democrats can go back to losing elections and blaming it on everything except themselves.
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Not My Lying President, Yours
The Obsolete Democ’rat’ic Playbook
Tree Rings it’s called WEATHER folks
Who The KKK Supports
The Real Margaret Sanger
Why the rapist William Jefferson Clinton’s wife lost
and Who was REALLY responsible for The 2008 housing collapse
The terrorist agenda
The Real 44th President
The 44th President’s wife
Not My Lying President, Yours
What a loser! She lost because America was sick of her crimes and lack of punishments, her absolute lies and most of all, she thought the American people were to stupid to see through her. The entire family needs to hide where ever they have been hiding, because they are a joke, albeit, a bad one. Maybe they can hide out with the Obamas. Lol
This ugly old Bag is dumber than a gum stump!.
Somebody needs to shut this feral hog up. Her attempts to destroy America should have her behind bars!
OMG. She is delusional. She had nothing to offer and she is unqualified to be anything in government. She’s a crook and a criminal. Everyone knows that. She has no one to blame but herself for years of lies, corruption, murder, incompetence, sexual exploitations, continuing with Obama’s agenda to destroy America. The crooked Clinton’s need to be banned from government functions (it’s embarrassing for pedophiles, liars & crooks to attend) they both should be hung.
And Hillary is insane.
You are a hate monger!
and what is
You are evil….
And she iscorrupt and LOST THE ELECTION.