The Hillary Clinton email scandal is slowly winding its way to a finish. What is the likelihood that she will be sanctioned or punished for her misdeeds? After the initial “a-ha” moments when it was clear that she was lying and hiding documents, the new plan seems to be to throw mud in the water and cause enough confusion about what happened, who caused it, and how damaging it was, and it seems to be working.
The gist of the argument now is that the well over two thousand classified documents were not clearly marked with a big, red “top secret, eyes only” stamp, and that the State Department was “over-classifying” documents that really should not have been classified at all.
It is an after-the-fact scheme that anyone but a Clinton would be laughed off the stage and thrown in jail for, instead the media is nodding and humming with sympathetic understanding, and the Democrat party is still trying to spin the whole affair as a Republican hatched scandal designed to bump Hillary out contention in the presidential race.
See more on email scandal, page 2:
Of course, she is but that is the point… she lies and has been caught lying.
Guilty bitch
Lies, lies lies!
i think there was more..
Have a little faith in our
justice system, people.
If the FBI has their way,
she’s going away for a long time.
Lawyeerr joke. There was a cro0keD lawyeerr who had a cRo0keD smile, Had a crOOkeD walking Cane, Walked a cROokeD mile, Played a CrOOKeD Card game! How do you spell LaWyEeRr$? )( See “$” pic of HISPAN COIN? From Catholic dominion of in English “New Spain”? Neither the “$” or word “cash” in U. S. Constitution or Bill of Rights! Word DOLLAR in English comes from Catholic country of Austria being word in German “Taler” pronounced as Thaler; in Dutch as Daler. $1,000.00 in silver =53 pounds! $1,000.00 in gold =3.5 pounds! A TON, noun, weight of 2000 pounds! A ton of money is? Do the math¡) ( Correct me if I am wrong. Republican means government in three (3) parts: 1. Legislature makes laws that must conform to Constitution. 2. Judicial includes both Judge and Trial by Jury. 3. Administrative executes valid laws. (( read & save/print SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, 16 Am Jur 2d Sec. 177, 256 lt. Ed. Aka 16th. American Jurisprudence §177, 256 late edition at my multi blog of: (( It is said that the ability to read and write is the ROOT of DEMOCRACY! Over 600,000 people died in the Civil War, it appears for cause of rebellion against the Holy Scriptures! (practically the majority of folks on planet Earth were able to read in civilized nations, & were either Jews, Catholics or Protestant Christians-so no need for Civil War! ) It reads at: Dt. 23:15,16) :15 Thou shalt not deliver unto his Master (0wner) the servant (slave) which is escaped from his Master (0wner) unto thee: 16 He (servant, ex-slave) shall dwell with thee, even among you, in that place which he shall choose in one of thy gates, where it liketh him best: thou shalt not oppress him. (!) (see at local Law & regular Libraries re injured workers & Workers’ Compensation references to Employer/Master & Employee/Servant LAWS!
As one step below Obama – most of her work is classified. To have you believe that is was not – requires you to be incredibly stupid. But let the Democrats speak for themselves.