During this year’s Democrat primary, Hilary Clinton was repeatedly asked to turn over the transcripts of her many Wall Street speeches. When she refused, most assumed that she was trying to cover up her close relationship with the big banks.
This week, emails containing those transcripts were leaked, and they revealed more about Clinton than was previously expected.
Among the emails was a compilation of excerpts from Clinton’s paid speeches in 2013 and 2014. It appeared campaign staff had read all Clinton’s speeches and identified passages that could be potentially problematic for the candidate if they were to become public.
One excerpt put Clinton squarely in the free-trade camp, a position she has retreated on significantly during the 2016 election. In a talk to a Brazilian bank in 2013, she said her “dream” is “a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders” and asked her audience to think of what doubling American trade with Latin America “would mean for everybody in this room.”
Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has made opposition to trade deals a cornerstone of his campaign.
Podesta posted a series of tweets Friday night, calling the disclosures a Russian hack and raising questions about whether some of the documents could have been altered.
“I’m not happy about being hacked by the Russians in their quest to throw the election to Donald Trump,” Podesta wrote.
Once again, the Democrats have retreated to their “blame the Russians” excuse. Despite the fact that these transcripts are legitimate, they want Americans to reject them because of the source.
The ‘dream’ Hillary has here is to eliminate America’s borders. Let’s not play around with words here, this is the admission. And, of course, with the elimination of border you eliminate the country. Those big banks that were certainly very happy with Hillary’s promise. Their New World Order would have them at the helm.
Source: Newsmax
Not death to Americans it death to America that what the anti-virus Hilly say
So scary
Nobody knows for a fact who hacked hillary’s illegal email server, the people saying it was Russia are trying to turn attention away from the contents of the leaks. I thank Julian Assange for letting us in on just how corrupt our government is. Vote Trump.
She says she loves children but doesn’t have a problem with abortion right up until delivery.
We need to eliminate her
This is how she will destroy America.
she is a paid for communist out to help take down America , the one they hate but will take all the money from us hard working tax payers.
Hillary Clinton if elected will completely open the borders of the United States allowing to millions and millions of illegal immigrants causing chaos to our social services system and endangering our citizens with terrorist attacks !!! Hillary Clinton will try to build your religion and your freedom of religion !!!
She will make every effort to remove your second amendment right which would leave you without guns and defenseless !!! Hillary Clinton would appoint liberal Supreme Court justices that are appointed for life that would begin taking away your rights !!! Hillary Clinton would continue the policies of Obama and her policies would be 100 times more dangerous to the country !!! The democratic liberals and Hillary Clinton if elected would turn this country into a police state completely taking away your freedom’s !!! Think America before you vote is this really what you want ???
Robert what you said is absolutely true and also she is crazy completely insane and I might add extremely dangerous !!!
America this woman is dangerous to the people of America !!! This woman is evil and completely out for herself and not for our country !!!