Leave it to someone as morally bankrupt as Hillary Clinton to misuse her professed Christian faith while pushing her corrupt liberal agenda.
Speaking at a campaign stop in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday, the Democratic candidate played to the most retrograde elements of her far-left base and harped on the need for gun control. Of course, we already have gun control here in cities like Chicago and states like California but to anti-gun zealots like Clinton, it’s not nearly enough to satisfy their dream of a gun-free nation.
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Has Hillary not said America needs to loose its Christian faith at one time?
Who god the scum you and Odummer are letting in this great country of ours that a going to destroy every thing they can to make them feel at home
Refugees? Sure. Not terrorists. But, who can guarantee?
Yes we do… PROTECT THEM FROM YOU…. !!!!!
One min. she’s protecting God’s children, the next she’s telling us we have to give up our Faith……she’s nuts
No you want to protect God’s children by funding abortions to murder them!
Does that mean she is closing down Planned Parenthood and is now against abortion???? Didn’t think so. Just more political hot air.
what God are you are you selling here? the new one or the real one.
You believe in abortion and pretend to care about children. Think again witch.