Leave it to someone as morally bankrupt as Hillary Clinton to misuse her professed Christian faith while pushing her corrupt liberal agenda.
Speaking at a campaign stop in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday, the Democratic candidate played to the most retrograde elements of her far-left base and harped on the need for gun control. Of course, we already have gun control here in cities like Chicago and states like California but to anti-gun zealots like Clinton, it’s not nearly enough to satisfy their dream of a gun-free nation.
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How does a follower of Lucifier protect God’s children? How many more lives will you take—–you ruined lthe life of a 12 year old girl. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Americans prefer to choose their own methods of child protection! You know, just like liberals want to make their own choice whether to kill their unborn child or not?
Check out youtube Clinton CHRONICALS Bills Murder
Took the words right out of my mouth
Would that be the God that got boo’d at the Democratic National Convention?! If I were you, I’d be REAL careful about bringing up God in a conversation,$#%&!@*
she doesn’t care for anybody,
well she is not one of gods children–she is one of Satans children–let her rot in hell
Two ways to protect, 1. Close all Planned Parenthood. 2. File charges on Hillary, lock her up, and through the key away.
she doesn’t care for anybodys children. she will say anything to get people to vote for her. SHE A LIAR AND WILL RUIN THIS COUNTRY.
Oh yes ” protect Gods children ” and on the flip side of her coin ” side with pro choice ” . Also it’s ok for her to say “God ” but if the children in school want to say ” God ” they get sent home or called racist . This is what actually is trying to convince the smart citizens to vote for her ????? Oh sure Hillarious .