Leave it to someone as morally bankrupt as Hillary Clinton to misuse her professed Christian faith while pushing her corrupt liberal agenda.
Speaking at a campaign stop in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday, the Democratic candidate played to the most retrograde elements of her far-left base and harped on the need for gun control. Of course, we already have gun control here in cities like Chicago and states like California but to anti-gun zealots like Clinton, it’s not nearly enough to satisfy their dream of a gun-free nation.
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she is not a christian.hillary will never be president.trump is going to win.trump is our next president.trump and pence 2016
Enslavement by the crazy far left lineal Demoncrates Is Not protecting our children. Want gun control then Stop selling guns yo terrorist , gangs , drug dealers etc. This means YOU HILLARY and the Corrupt government officials around you.. .
This woman is discussing how can see claim to care about children when she stole millions of dollars meant to provide shelter and food for the children in Haiti!!!!!!!
She sure has 2 faces, 1-ban guns so only the crooks have them, 2- abort babies because ??????
Follow the money. Deleted emails. She supports killing babies hours before delivery by performing an abortion!
you don’t even believe in God so why are you even opening your mouth and speaking his name
this creature has absolutely LOST her mind !!!
how about the 12yr old raped and you defended him,got him off ,said it was her fault and BRAGGED about it,DEVIL’S DAUGHTER?
Protect some harvest body parts from unborn but heart is beating,
Robie Parnell turn coats are killed first