Leave it to someone as morally bankrupt as Hillary Clinton to misuse her professed Christian faith while pushing her corrupt liberal agenda.
Speaking at a campaign stop in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday, the Democratic candidate played to the most retrograde elements of her far-left base and harped on the need for gun control. Of course, we already have gun control here in cities like Chicago and states like California but to anti-gun zealots like Clinton, it’s not nearly enough to satisfy their dream of a gun-free nation.
Turn to the next page for more info:
CIA: America Is The Main Sponsor Of ISIS
A former CIA contractor claims that America has always been the main sponsor and creator of ISIS/Daesh, whilst pretending to fight them.
Steven Kelly says that Russia is the only country actually fighting the Islamic State, and claims that State Department spokesman John Kirby’s warning to Russia to end its Aleppo offensive is “absurd”.
“The US has always been the main sponsor and creator of Daesh (Arabic acronym for IS), so this charade that they are having anything to do with fighting Daesh in Syria is completely a farce, and I think the rest of the world is smart enough to realize that everything that comes out of the mouth of John Kirby or any of the State Department personnel is complete and utter balderdash,” Kelley toldRussia Today….The US is not going to do anything to help removing (sic) Daesh and is going to do everything possible to reconstruct, rearm, and resupply, and put more personnel into the field. So everything they say is a lie, and Putin really needs to stop playing games with the US State Department and get the job done.”
1. Deciding to leave Iraq created a vacuum and instability in Iraq along with leaving an arsenal of heavy weaponry. ( The Koran calls Muslims who do not follow sharia law hypocrites who are to be killed and who will go to hell. Obama and Hillary with the Muslim Brotherhood (Who they had in the Whitehouse,) regime changes in Egypt, Syria, and Libya, were attempted or carried out with hard line Salifists who formed the Arab Spring to take down non sharia governments. This created unrest across the entire middle east.
2. General Flynn former head of the Department of Intelligence Agency ( DIA) who was Obama’s adviser on ISIS ( Who is on Trumps team and is advising Trump) “accused the Obama regime of lying about the rise of ISIS and the assertion that they were somehow caught off guard. He says that far from being surprised by ISIS, the Obama regime allowed them to form in a deliberate act intended to unite Sunni Muslims against the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria.”
3. Obama met with his advisor General Flynn, “O” times. Yes Trump does know more about ISIS than the generals, accept FLYNN of course, who is advising him.
4. Before ISIS was ISIS they were called AL QAEDA IN IRAQ OR IQA, judicial watch freedom of information act ( FOIA) requests, led to the release of documents showing Obama supporting IQA. “The memo directed to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from operatives in theatre, made clear that Al Qaeda in Iraq was speaking through Muhammad Al Adnani, who is now the senior spokesman for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS. Western and Gulf states were supporting the terrorist group to try to overthrow Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad, who was being propped up by the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese.” These groups include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey who will benefit through Muslim fundamentalist governments being installed in ” hypocrite” led countries and will benefit in an underlying plan to have a natural gas pipe line running through the middle East that would cross through Syria.
4. Even though the cold war is over with Russia, America never changed its anti Russian policy. Putin is protecting his interests in Syria and Ukraine as we would if we were in his position, and is playing a geopolitical chess game with America to stop WWIII which Obama and Hillary’s policies have put us on the brink of. Obama and His Secretary of State Nuland, after Hillary and Senator McCain, were involved in an uprising in the Ukraine that removed a Democratically elected government. This is against international law. Polls taken before the uprising showed strong support for Russia. Our government and NATO worked together to remove a pro Russian Ukrainian government so that we can position offensive weapons in the Ukraine against Russia. “US President Barack Obama’s recent interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakiria reveals the United States’ involvement in the Ukrainian crisis from its outset and that the country worked directly with Ukrainian right-wing fascist groups, experts told Sputnik.
On Sunday, in his interview with CNN, Obama admitted that the United States “had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.”
“Obama’s statement is reiterating something that the world public opinion already knew — the US was involved in the coup of [ex-Ukrainian President] Viktor Yanukovych from the start.”
5. General William Boykin, Admiral ( Ace Lyons) Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer, EX CIA INTELLIGENCE OFFICER and instructor Clair Lopez, Assistant Director of Defense under Reagan and head of Center for Security Policy Frank Gaffney, DHS, Whistle Blower Philip Haney, Andrew McCarthy, Michelle Bachman and other representatives who have been vilified, all believe that at Benghazi we switched sides on the war on terror. Benghazi should be viewed as two different elements. First, a gun running operation through Qatar to Benghazi in order to arm hard line Salifists to take down the non sharia government of Libya then Syria. 2nd. A botched attempt to kidnap ambassador Steven’ s and later to have him exchanged for the blind sheik ( as Admiral Lyons explained)
6. The Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh believes that Hillary was involved in the Sarin gas attack on children in Syria. Shortly before this attack Obama met with his Generals and told them he wanted to go into Syria. The generals saw Obama as a fool and understood that this could escalate out of control. Russia’ s presence in Syria is stopping it. “The great investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, in two previous articles in the London Review of Books ( Whose sarin) and ( The Red Line and the Rat Line) has reported that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria; and Hersh pointed to a report from British intelligence saying that the sarin that was used didn’t come from Assad’s stockpiles. Hersh also said that a secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad.”
7. Senator McCain worked hand in hand with Hillary to form the regime change army inside of Syria. ( The same McCain who attacked Michelle Bauchman who was a member of the intelligence board, when she proved Hillary’s secretary Huma Abiden is a Muslim Brotherhood operative) “Several senior US and French officials, including US Senator John McCain, entered Syria illegally – without proper visas – on separate occasions, thus violating the country’s sovereignty, Syria said in a complaint submitted to the United Nations.”
8. These meeting were part of the plan to take down Assad. Those who are government is working with are hard line Salifists who most likely gassed their own people in Syria who were not. Inside of Syria is a huge propaganda machine to bring America into the war. Hillary is planning on going into Syria. The Salifists in Syria and the Salifists of ISIS have the same goals. As Putin said, they are simply hired mercs. Many from Syria have joined the ISIS team. The Koran says that those who migrate for the cause of Allah will receive the same reward as the mujahedeen, the fighters. The goal is world wide sharia. The refugee situation has an underlying plan of world wide sharia.
Obama has had a special working agreement with the Muslim Brotherhood since he entered office. Obama and Hillary regime changes working with the M.B. has caused insurrection war and murder across the middle east and Ukraine..
Hundreds of thousands murdered.
Hillary Clinton Sponsored Secretive Arab Spring Program that Destabilized Middle East.
By Patrick Howley
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. State Department under the leadership of Secretary Hillary Clinton continued a program to embolden foreign, revolutionary, social media activists to agitate for regime change in various parts of the world. The program arguably had major, detrimental consequences for the trajectory of the Middle East.
Recent leaks show a memo that top Clinton aide Huma Abedin sent to her boss stating, “I’m giving you credit for inspiring the ‘peaceful’ protests,” with regard to Egypt, with quotation marks around the word “peaceful.”
The United States government is believed to have utilized a program called the Alliance of Youth Movements Summit, co-founded by a close Hillary Clinton adviser, to provide networking opportunities for an activist plotting to overthrow Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak several years before the “Arab Spring” protests that led to widespread regime change in the Middle East.
Through the Alliance of Youth Movements Summit, the U.S. learned that the Muslim Brotherhood was supportive of a plan to overthrow Mubarak. The U.S.-supported Muslim Brotherhood later briefly ruled Egypt after Mubarak’s ouster.
On November 18, 2008, two weeks after Barack Obama was elected U.S. president, the U.S. State Department announced the first Alliance of Youth Movements Summit at Columbia Law School in New York City. A permanent group called the Alliance of Youth Movements (AYM) was developed by Summit leaders after the first Summit convened…
Dr. Oz Hassan of the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom describes the Summit as the “brainchild” of Mr. Cohen. He was reportedly a co-founder of the Alliance of Youth Movements, the organization that grew out of the Summit.
Cohen, who advised former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and then served as a close adviser to Hillary Clinton, is perhaps indicative of the overlap between the Bush and Clinton foreign policy establishment. He serves as an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the key institutions that sustains globalism and neoconservatism in both the Democrat and Republican parties.
We are seeing movements across the world use a diverse set of technologies. The simplest is Television, where we are seeing groups that have the means put their videos and images on screen in the form of commercials. But we are seeing a lot of activities using mobile phones and the Internet.
With mobile phones, there is a tactic called “smart mobbing,” where mobile phones are used to assemble young people around a cause. On the Internet, we are seeing online social networks like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, and Orkut serve as important forums for young people to assemble together, build a cause, a mission, and organize events.
According to confidential dispatches from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, the U.S. government enabled an anti-Mubarak, Egyptian activist to attend the Summit, introduced him to U.S. government officials, and kept in contact with him after he returned to Egypt. The activist stressed to the U.S. that the Muslim Brotherhood was interested in removing Mubarak from power…
After Clinton took office, her State Department sponsored the next Alliance of Youth Movements Summit in Mexico City in 2009. Clinton personally announced and addressed that Summit to encourage the activists in attendance. She also became the face of the “21st Century Statecraft” initiative spearheaded by Cohen…
“Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton first announced this summit in March 2009 during her digital town hall on the campus of Tecnológico de Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico. The Secretary is committed to connecting and empowering these young community leaders,” according to a 2009 State Department press release…
The plot to help catalyze regime change in Egypt was intended to be secret, as evidenced by the confidentiality of the memo, which noted that the activist’s plan in its early stages was still “unrealistic.” But as the organization evolved, it became more transparent about the fact that it was supporting rebel insurgencies….
The Alliance for Youth Movements became Movements.org in 2011, according to a 2011 announcement by FastCompany that noted the move was “[j]ust in time to help organize Egyptian grassroots activists with restored Internet access.”
Hosni Mubarak stepped down from power in Egypt on February 11, 2011, after 18 days of protests led by “the young people of Egypt,” as The New York Times called them…
A spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood confirmed that the Islamist group took part in the revolution, saying, “We participated with everyone else…” The Muslim Brotherhood’s political party won a plurality of parliament seats in November 2011. Its candidate Mohamed Morsi was elected president and served from June 2012 until his downfall little more than a year later, in July 2013’s military coup.
Putting Hillary in prison is a good start
Notice that she is using God now.
I’ll finish it for you. YOU Want To Protect GOD Children By Support ING AND Pushing Late Term Abortion. You are a pathetic hypocrite. You are a barbaric animal just like your isis btothets
What has she done for the children in the inner city?
Give me a break. She wouldn’t recognize God if he was standing in front of her. And she protects HIS children by approving of abortion? You can’t have it both ways Satan’s mistress.
She has them doper, pot smoker, druggie eyes Just like Kaine.
Are you saying you are prolife????