Donald Trump’s Syrian strike may have upset some of his most passionate supporters, but the political world met Trump’s use of military force with near-universal acclaim.
Canada and Isreal both released statements expressing that their governments “fully support” the air strike. UK Prime Minister Theresa May said that it was “an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime, and is intended to deter further attacks.” Germany and France released a joint statement saying that the airstrike was the sole fault of Bashar al-Assad.
But perhaps these endorsements aren’t surprising, considering they come from countries allied with the United States.
Instead, the most surprising endorsement may have come from Hillary Clinton — the woman who spent the last two years claiming that Trump was unfit to serve as commander-in-chief.
Read what Clinton had to say about the United States’ involvement in Syria on the next page:
Oh yeah totally you only say that cause I called you out
So you carry on have a nice life hope all goes well for ya
It still hasn’t sunk in that she is not the one making the decisions. She is salivating with no release. HAHAHA we dodged a nuclear bullet when she lost.
Why is this$#%&!@*still news
THUMB UP HER$#%&!@*!!!!!!!
she was the worst sec of state EVER. OH wait i forgot about kerry. lol
Go back to the woods you lying$#%&!@*killary
She talk with fork tongue two face she talk out both side of her mouth .Where was ,she ,obama,late 8yr. they are the reason we has ve to deal with isis.