Donald Trump’s Syrian strike may have upset some of his most passionate supporters, but the political world met Trump’s use of military force with near-universal acclaim.
Canada and Isreal both released statements expressing that their governments “fully support” the air strike. UK Prime Minister Theresa May said that it was “an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime, and is intended to deter further attacks.” Germany and France released a joint statement saying that the airstrike was the sole fault of Bashar al-Assad.
But perhaps these endorsements aren’t surprising, considering they come from countries allied with the United States.
Instead, the most surprising endorsement may have come from Hillary Clinton — the woman who spent the last two years claiming that Trump was unfit to serve as commander-in-chief.
Read what Clinton had to say about the United States’ involvement in Syria on the next page:
Ugly fat and traumatized people need to call the attention, don’t blame them, they wanna be on tv at least in a protest against The President, these people are generally ugly, pink hair, lesbians, hippies, weak, lazy, weed smokers, trans sexuals, all of them have been treated like c**p most of their lifes so they wanna be “loved” by being answered, or at least by being taken to jail, they all re frustrared, they weren’t breastfed.
globalist are mean hard hearted bastards;
NO! Do not give her any credibility! So doing will backfire! Stop!
Anyone think she should stay out of politics, go run your cartel
Hill: Didn’t you get the memo? You weren’t elected, dear so no one cares what you think.
Poor orange guy Trump is desperate. He is flailing from failure to failure in domestic policy, with dismal approval ratings and no clear way to increase them—except by trying to exploit the American public’s historic tendency to rally around a president at war.
Damn this witch needs to just go away
Every time I see her it reminds me of the Joseph Goebbels quote about repeating the lie and people eventually believing it.
Trump took her advice