Hillary Clinton ‘Looks Kind of Hysterical …Making Wild Attacks’ Amidst Shifting Polls

Caddell also said that the Clinton campaign has no idea what to do. After the latest polling numbers came back finding Trump ahead, the media has become hysterical.

Caddell continued, “I think they don’t know what to do,” also pointing out that Hillary Clinton’s unfavorables appear to be “at their highest” in the latest polling. He then stated that he turned on his television Tuesday morning to find that the “hysteria on MSNBC was palpable,” seemingly in response to the same news.

“This thing will move in its own direction,” he added. “But I think this thing could be coalescing because it’s not just the emails. It is the larger attitudes about the country.”

He went on to compare this election to the 1980 election between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. The American people have spoken, they’re tired of the liberal agenda. Let’s hope this keeps up when the polls open next week.

Source: breitbart.com



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