In a disturbing but familiar liberal trend, Hillary Clinton continued to espouse Barack Obama’s fantasy that ISIS and other Islamic terror groups have absolutely no relation to Islam.
Liberals have been telling us for years now that white Christians are far more of an existential threat than Islamic jihadists. In a shocking example of the left’s willful ignorance to the danger posed by Muslim terrorists, only days after the deadly terror attacks in Belgium, Barack Obama patronized the American people by lecturing them about how their bathtubs are more of a threat than terrorists.
Hillary Clinton—running on the platform of a third Obama term—attended a roundtable meeting of the Muslim Public Affairs Council this Thursday meant to discuss the threat of Islamic terror, and what moderate Muslims can do to combat it.
Predictably, the harshest rhetoric of the meeting was not focused upon the terrorists themselves, but instead aimed at Republicans, whom they accuse of marginalizing “moderate Muslims.”
To see why Hillary blames America for moderate Muslims not speaking out against Islamists, and watch who the leader of the conference calls “haters,” watch the video on the next page:
Send her to Iran and let her talk problem solved.
Are you kidding me? How long do we need to do this peace and love thing before they realize IT’S NOT WORKING. We have been buying this load of garbage since 9/11. And news flash. We are loosing. They don’t care if we are nice, as a matter of fact they are using that against us. Wake up people. They are raised in a culture that drills this hate, murder, and rape under a theocratic ideology from the time they are babies. They don’t care, they don’t want to just scare you. They want you to convert, submit, or be killed. Period.
W.W.T.F.F.D.? What Would The Founding Fathers DO?
They are rapist and murderers and think they are above our laws. They need to be deported.
“Moderate Muslims” wtf?
Put her lying corrupt butt in prison where she belongs!!!
Hilllary….no one cares what you think any more. You have lied, cheated, obfuscated, and on and on. Why should we listen to one thought you have about anything. You are the consummate politician and we are fed up with your ilk!
Moderate Muslims is a misnomer . This woman joins the majority of our administration committing treason.