Source: DCWhispers
Donald Trump names her Hillary “Rotten” Clinton and he’s not kidding. “Crooked” Hillary has demonstrated so many times that she is unfit to be president. Today we’ll examine just 10 facts that should rule her out, once and for all!
Recent leaked Democratic Party emails show DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz collaborated to have party staffers favor Clinton over her opponent, Bernie Sanders, during the primary race. Wasserman-Schultz even planned ways to help defeat Bernie Sanders. Sanders admitted to CNN that this treachery was “not a great shock,” but leads voters to wonder about Hillary’s involvement in the scandal.
Democrats who support Hillary are giving her a second look now. In case you are still making up your mind about Hillary Clinton’s character and her suitability for public office, here are 10 of the many other scandals, crimes, and lies from Hillary’s corrupt career in politics.
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Lock her up already
Trump for Americans
Mitch Plott, no link? But right now, I’m looking for her not providing security for a CIA installation & associated contract security members in Benghazi. We blame her right?
Mitch Plott , maybe he slammed the machine Clinton, because she was running against him? She lost back then!
and this didn’t work out too well for us did it :/
she would look good in prision orange
Don Bickel so does that make what he said any less relevant or true? It’s obvious why he’s supporting her now, he’s looking out for his political career/life but it doesn’t change the facts which so many Hillary supporters hate oh so much. Believe me, I wish there was another choice. I tend to lean more left on issues than right most of the time actually. But at this time in this country for this election we need to choose the candidate that has repeatedly made the same statements about unfair trade practices and bringing manufacturing back to the US. We need to choose the candidate that will ensure our borders are properly monitored and gladly allow those who legally come into this country and stop the inflow of illegal aliens which are a drain on an already broken and maxed out system.
What we don’t need is an elitist career politician whose main concern is gaining and maintaining her own wealth. We don’t need a candidate who has lied repeatedly even when those lies have so credulously been proven over and over again. How in the hell is the Secretary of State running a “foundation” that has been proven to have accepted multiple millions of dollars from foreign governments all of whom miraculously received favorable treatment from the state dept immediately after their “donations”. I can go on and on and on and on.
The worst anyone can come up with about Trump is that he says mean things. Which are almost always misquoted by our horrible media anyway.
If you truly believe she is good for this country in its current state then that’s ok. It’s your opinion. But if it is your opinion that she is best for this country then I’ll ask you again. Please this time, wake the hell up you naive$#%&!@*
Mitch Plott, yeah it makes a difference to me; because as a competitor (like everyone this election), tried to discredit her. I’m sure if he believed what he said (back then), he wouldn’t have asked her so represent him AND The United States, as Secretary of State.
Fucking idiots…..booga booga