Source: DCWhispers
Donald Trump names her Hillary “Rotten” Clinton and he’s not kidding. “Crooked” Hillary has demonstrated so many times that she is unfit to be president. Today we’ll examine just 10 facts that should rule her out, once and for all!
Recent leaked Democratic Party emails show DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz collaborated to have party staffers favor Clinton over her opponent, Bernie Sanders, during the primary race. Wasserman-Schultz even planned ways to help defeat Bernie Sanders. Sanders admitted to CNN that this treachery was “not a great shock,” but leads voters to wonder about Hillary’s involvement in the scandal.
Democrats who support Hillary are giving her a second look now. In case you are still making up your mind about Hillary Clinton’s character and her suitability for public office, here are 10 of the many other scandals, crimes, and lies from Hillary’s corrupt career in politics.
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You may ask, how does a sweet young girl born to middle class Republican parents in post WWII Park Ridge, Illinois; become the most powerful and famous Communist on the planet? In this short writing I will dispel any notion that this person; Hillary Rodham Clinton is or has ever been a true American.
The year is 1971, Oakland, CA at one of America’s most radical law firms, Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein, this position was her summer dream job before graduating from Yale University Law School in 1973, Clinton was extremely proud of the fact that she hand picked this law firm. One partner at the firm, Doris Walker, was a Communist Party member at the time. Another partner, Robert Treuhaft, had left the party in 1958, several years after being called before the US House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee and labeled as one of America’s most “dangerously subversive” lawyers. The Oakland-based firm was renowned for taking clients others rejected as too controversial, including Communists, draft resisters, and members of the African-American militant group known as the Black Panthers. The most eye-catching claim about Mrs. Clinton’s time at the Treuhaft firm is that she attended a plea negotiation on behalf of armed Black Panthers who stormed into the California legislature on May 2, 1967 to protest a gun-control measure. The band of more than two dozen men carrying rifles, shotguns and pistols caused alarm when they emerged on the floor of the legislature. They later insisted they were trying to reach the spectators’ gallery and used the wrong door…! Plea deals were no stranger to Hillary, in 1975 she defended, Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41 year old convicted child rapist, he raped a little 12 year old girl, the result of Clintons efforts, a one year time already served sentence, which in an interview later she laughed about….!
I would submit to you that Hillary Rodham Clinton was transformed early on at Wellesley College and Yale University, and that Bill Clinton played a large role in her communist transformation while attending Yale. Many communists in her life including her chief mentor, Saul David Alinsky a self professed Marxist, Communist and Devil Worshiper, played a significant role and influenced how Clinton thinks about America and acts out against America……Alinskys’ book “Rules For Radicals” was Hillary Rodham Clintons’ subject for her senior thesis in college…..which she received an “A” for by her professors, is still yet today her bible and mantra…!
I despise Clinton with everything I have but she did pass the Arkansas bar and did not renew when given the SOS position.
You have severe denial syndrome
My God your ignorance of reality is amazing
I hate the fact that so many people are blind to reality. Denial is the MO of all criminals and her supporters are as guilty as her
Not embarrassed but speaks truth that Clinton supporters love to deny
You are a complete fool
Facts are we are better off with Hillary than Donald.
Reality vs denial is the theme of this race
Joel Weathers I’m not Clinton supporter and he ain’t speakin’ the truth by my measure. He shoots his mouth off about things he knows nothing about on a regular basis. He’s just about convinced me that he’s not very bright.