Source: DCWhispers
Donald Trump names her Hillary “Rotten” Clinton and he’s not kidding. “Crooked” Hillary has demonstrated so many times that she is unfit to be president. Today we’ll examine just 10 facts that should rule her out, once and for all!
Recent leaked Democratic Party emails show DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz collaborated to have party staffers favor Clinton over her opponent, Bernie Sanders, during the primary race. Wasserman-Schultz even planned ways to help defeat Bernie Sanders. Sanders admitted to CNN that this treachery was “not a great shock,” but leads voters to wonder about Hillary’s involvement in the scandal.
Democrats who support Hillary are giving her a second look now. In case you are still making up your mind about Hillary Clinton’s character and her suitability for public office, here are 10 of the many other scandals, crimes, and lies from Hillary’s corrupt career in politics.
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Krooked Killiary Klinton (KKK) was fired from the Watergate Commission for being a incompetent criminal. She was implicated in criminal activity in the Whitewater Investigation, the chief witness died before testifying. She was involved in the death of Vince Foster another witness that died before testifying. She tried to coverup Monica for Bill. She didn’t do anything worthwhile at all while first lady and wants to take credit for being a co-president. She was a reverse carpet bagger moving to NY from Arkansas so she could be a do nothing Senator from NY. She ran for President and was out smarted by a community organizer. As Secretary of State she completely screwed up our foreign policy. She was involved in starting the war in Libya. She refused to let the military accept Ghaddafi’s unconditional surrender and truce She completely botched Benghazi and got 4 Americans killed including her own Ambassador after refusing to give him the additional security he requested. He wasn’t just killed, he was raped, sodomized and tortured for 5 hours while Killary and Obama got high on whatever it is that they use now. Remember Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods next time she talks about her experience. She also used a private email account at State Department trying to hide her underhanded incompetent handling of diplomacy. She opened the account as soon as she was sworn in as Secretary of State and kept it the whole time she was in the position. She didn’t use her official email account, instead conducting her electronic mail via her personal, hidden account. That is not only illegal, it’s also premeditated. That doesn’t even take in Travelgate, Filegate, Chinagate. Can’t wait for her to run again. Can you image the questions she will have to answer in a debate? Maybe that’s the way the American people will get the answers since she keeps faking sickness and fainting every time Congress wants her to answer questions. And guess what, you get a twofer because Bill is now implicated in the Pedophile billionaire case. Can’t wait for him to be first lady.
That look you get from hillary when your Time is up on this earth
She has proven many times over that she is fit and ready to be president of the United States. There is absolutely no truth in your 10 made up facts. 😀
Look at the evil in those eyes.
I really don’t want to see Her Hidey-Hole…
These are far from “facts”.
Just 10? This may be the most wicked person to run for office ever.