Source: DCWhispers
Donald Trump names her Hillary “Rotten” Clinton and he’s not kidding. “Crooked” Hillary has demonstrated so many times that she is unfit to be president. Today we’ll examine just 10 facts that should rule her out, once and for all!
Recent leaked Democratic Party emails show DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz collaborated to have party staffers favor Clinton over her opponent, Bernie Sanders, during the primary race. Wasserman-Schultz even planned ways to help defeat Bernie Sanders. Sanders admitted to CNN that this treachery was “not a great shock,” but leads voters to wonder about Hillary’s involvement in the scandal.
Democrats who support Hillary are giving her a second look now. In case you are still making up your mind about Hillary Clinton’s character and her suitability for public office, here are 10 of the many other scandals, crimes, and lies from Hillary’s corrupt career in politics.
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
…And that’s STILL not everything……
Well here is just one more headline news that is set to be the end of her career, that this is what will more than likely cause her to loose in the up coming election. Question?? Do these media outlets think and believe that how they make it headline news, that we believe it? Here it is the 438th exclamation that this is the end of her campaign that this will stop her, HRC should be arrested, She is done, this will stop her campaign. Every law abiding citizen knows beyond a doubt that she should already be in prison. However when evil is protected by the government, HRC and Ovomit, Comey, Lynch and all the rest that are corrupt to the last one of them. This has to be the most disgustingly despicable government in our history. The people have no recourse, other than to vote, and remove any politician that is in office today. No one should be exempt, it no longer matters whether one party or the other thinks this or that politician is good, great, honest, loyal, NO remove them all, take away the cushy retirement. Stop the corruption and allow the will of the people, not the way the politician wants us to fall into line.
We pay for the right to do anything today. Our tax dollars pay and have payed for state, and federal parks. Today you still have to pay more per person to go to a park that we have already paid for. We have to obtain a license to fish, hunt, harvest, camp,or utilize these parks. This includes in most states that have a coastline, one must pay for a license to fish in the ocean. Since when did the government take over all of this? The laws of this land were intended for all. We no longer need or desire to have specialized treatment for those of select groups that are inclined to circumvent the laws or rules of society. The laws were put into place to protect and serve the people. No where in history where I have established a residence was I ever provided, nor placed onto a list of individuals that could be exempt from prosecution of the violation of a law. There must be a list for politicians, a separate an just as bad, list of actors or otherwise famous enough individuals as well as the rich that are completely immune to the prosecution of the law.
This needs to stop, America was built on the pride, on the integrity, on honesty, through the blood, sweat, and tears of the people of this nation. Most today feel that Ovomit no longer represented the American people when he did his world apology tour. American men and women gave their lives for the right to be represented by and for this great nation. Do not let those lives all of a sudden become meaningless! I paid for the right to complain on this matter in that I have voted in every election since the voting age was achieved. I served this country in Vietnam, and was in the military for seven years eleven months and twenty-four days, and seventeen hours. After the military I spent the next twenty plus years as a law enforcement officer. Then changed course and careers, and became a school teacher. So I have paid my debt to my country, a couple of states and county governments and I am disgusted at where and how this great Nation has deteriorated, to become so much of what I was taught as a child was wrong.
Theft, dishonesty,untruthfulness, lying, stealing,embezzling,murder and really not excluding any other offenses. I no longer want any government agency to tell me how to live or what I need if they are not subject to the same rules, laws or procedures. Believe it or not out of all the separate groups that have been named, not a single one has the right, power, or money to be excluded from the laws the people have enacted. Go back to a government with God in the rules, go back to a government of the people by the people for the people. Use the Constitution as a Bible, it has served this country well through a lot. Today I demand that my voice be heard.
this is it. She is done, this will stop her campaign. Every law abiding citizen knows beyond a doubt that she should already be in prison. However when evil is protected by the government, HRC and Ovomit, Comey, Lynch and all the rest that are corrupt to the last one of them. This has to be the most disgustingly despicable government in our history. The people have no recourse, other than to vote, and remove any politician that is in office today. No one should be exempt, it no longer matters whether one party or the other thinks this or that politician is good, great, honest, loyal, NO remove them all, take away the cushy retirement. Stop the corruption and allow the will of the people, not the way the politician wants us to fall into line.
We pay for the right to do anything today. Our tax dollars pay and have payed for state, and federal parks. Today you still have to pay more per person to go to a park that we have already paid for. We have to obtain a license to fish, hunt, harvest, camp,or utilize these parks. This includes in most states that have a coastline, one must pay for a license to fish in the ocean. Since when did the government take over all of this? The laws of this land were intended for all. We no longer need or desire to have specialized treatment for those of select groups that are inclined to circumvent the laws or rules of society. The laws were put into place to protect and serve the people. No where in history where I have established a residence was I ever provided, nor placed onto a list of individuals that could be exempt from prosecution of the violation of a law. There must be a list for politicians, a separate an just as bad, list of actors or otherwise famous enough individuals as well as the rich that are completely immune to the prosecution of the law.
This needs to stop, America was built on the pride, on the integrity, on honesty, through the blood, sweat, and tears of the people of this nation. Most today feel that Ovomit no longer represented the American people when he did his world apology tour. American men and women gave their lives for the right to be represented by and for this great nation. Do not let those lives all of a sudden become meaningless! I paid for the right to complain on this matter in that I have voted in every election since the voting age was achieved. I served this country in Vietnam, and was in the military for seven years eleven months and twenty-four days, and seventeen hours. After the military I spent the next twenty plus years as a law enforcement officer. Then changed course and careers, and became a school teacher. So I have paid my debt to my country, a couple of states and county governments and I am disgusted at where and how this great Nation has deteriorated, to become so much of what I was taught as a child was wrong.
Theft, dishonesty,untruthfulness, lying, stealing,embezzling,murder and really not excluding any other offenses. I no longer want any government agency to tell me how to live or what I need if they are not subject to the same rules, laws or procedures. Believe it or not out of all the separate groups that have been named, not a single one has the right, power, or money to be excluded from the laws the people have enacted. Go back to a government with God in the rules, go back to a government of the people by the people for the people. Use the Constitution as a Bible, it has served this country well through a lot. Today I demand that my voice be heard.
How big would a HOPPER have to be for Her to FLUSH herself to the lagoon….. Whaatttt a$#%&!@*…..
Lmao! Score!
probably hiding a catheter over her coats!
She needs to pull her pants up. That ugly butt of hers is showing.
More like Hope, a STD shot and Kevelar.
Krooked Killiary Klinton (KKK) was fired from the Watergate Commission for being a incompetent criminal. She was implicated in criminal activity in the Whitewater Investigation, the chief witness died before testifying. She was involved in the death of Vince Foster another witness that died before testifying. She tried to coverup Monica for Bill. She didn’t do anything worthwhile at all while first lady and wants to take credit for being a co-president. She was a reverse carpet bagger moving to NY from Arkansas so she could be a do nothing Senator from NY. She ran for President and was out smarted by a community organizer. As Secretary of State she completely screwed up our foreign policy. She was involved in starting the war in Libya. She refused to let the military accept Ghaddafi’s unconditional surrender and truce She completely botched Benghazi and got 4 Americans killed including her own Ambassador after refusing to give him the additional security he requested. He wasn’t just killed, he was raped, sodomized and tortured for 5 hours while Killary and Obama got high on whatever it is that they use now. Remember Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods next time she talks about her experience. She also used a private email account at State Department trying to hide her underhanded incompetent handling of diplomacy. She opened the account as soon as she was sworn in as Secretary of State and kept it the whole time she was in the position. She didn’t use her official email account, instead conducting her electronic mail via her personal, hidden account. That is not only illegal, it’s also premeditated. That doesn’t even take in Travelgate, Filegate, Chinagate. Can’t wait for her to run again. Can you image the questions she will have to answer in a debate? Maybe that’s the way the American people will get the answers since she keeps faking sickness and fainting every time Congress wants her to answer questions. And guess what, you get a twofer because Bill is now implicated in the Pedophile billionaire case. Can’t wait for him to be first lady.
Don Bickell your real name has to be Don Rickles because what you have written is hilarious and has to be a joke. Only 15% of democrats say they trust her and she is their very own candidate. Thats pitiful but totally understandable. They know she is crooked as hell. Alll one has to do is go to youtube and spend some time listening to what HC has said over the years. The lies arent allegations. The evidence comes right out of her own mouth. Even Director Comey couldnt lie for her because he was under oath at the time testifying before Congress and he said she was not truthful which means she lied. There seems to be some crooks and corrupt people that skate along for decades before they are finally brought down. It took decades to finally bring John Gotti to justice even though everyone knew he was the head of a Mafia family along. OJ skirted justice based on who he was the first go around but in the end he too, was brought down, and was finally put where he deserved to be since the 90s when he committed double homicide. Just today the State Dept. uncovered 15K more HC emails of this pathological liar who swore she had turned them in. This is beyond the 33K deleted emails (which shows guilt) and those will surface too at least by Ouctober to show she is indeed one of the most prolific lying and corrupt politicians we have ever seen. Her Benghazi transcript is another piece of evidence to show she lied to Congress. Ask the Hatian people about how corrup the CF is. The Haitians were bilked out of billions that were supposed to go to them but went to line the pockets of their cronies of the CF instead. If you are too lazy to look up all of the evidence of criminal wrongdoing then dont ask others to do your work for you. Believe me, its out there in droves and gathering more each and everyday that passes. Had she been named anything other than Hillary Clinton she and Bill would have long ago been arrested under the RICO act. Now the State Attorney in NY has opened an investigation into the foundation. It doesnt require someone drawing a map to show they both are doing a pay-for-play scheme and have for years. Even a charity watchdog group said they couldnt even rate the foundation due to it being so secretive. So if you really want to see the proof then search for it like others who are interested in the TRUTH. She will continue to be protected by Lorretta Lynch. The deal was settled when Billy boy wound up on her private jet for an hour. But one day she wont have those around her who protects criminals from being prosecuted. Had it been anyone else she would have long been in jail. She did far worse than Martha Stewart thats for sure.
Margot Bellando Hillary Clinton and her husband have made a career out of lying for decades. She has told so many lies she cant keep up with them herself and thats why she hides from reporters and hasnt done an interview in over 260+ days. She is the only candidate I have ever seen that shies away from reporters for months on end. Most candidates want the coverage the press can give them. Not her though. Her own words are proof she is a pathological liar, unethical and a criminal wrongdoer. All one has to do is do a little research on their own about what she said in the passed and what she says now about most issues. She is a fish out of water and floundering every which way. That is why she is prone to put both feet in her mouth. So that is why she hides from the press. However liberal reporters like (CNN) Clinton News Network wouldnt ask her a hard question ever. She has so much baggage they could start today asking her about all aspects of her continous scandals and they still wouldnt be through asking them come election day. There is just not enough hours in a day to cover it all. I have never seen anyone like she is. Its not even one scandal a month like its been with Obama. Now they are oozing out every other day. To say the least her septic tank is getting purged and it stinks to high heaven. There will be more to come too, imo.