Hillary Clinton isn’t just blaming the NRA for the deadly shooting in Las Vegas. She is also claiming to know a thing or two about guns. Which is ironic considering her alleged hitman, Larry Nichols, claims her and Bill left all the dirty work to him.
The heart-rending attack at country music star Jason Aldean’s Las Vegas concert last night is driving liberals crazy at the thought of a “moral” win.
Unfortunately for the anti-gun/Constitution-hating liberals, they’re not about to have a win, and they’re the ones about to be schooled. Head on over to the next page to find out what Hillary Clinton had to say on gun control and her knowledge of guns in light of the Las Vegas shooting.
Susan Devlin Russell I’m so far to the right, Susan, honestly, and having worked in conjunction with some of these people at times, it makes me both highly skeptical of their motivations (speaking of Hillary) and suspicious of their intent. I do not believe one single word she utters, as I know full well she only cares for herself and what she can gain (monetarily speaking, along with self-aggrandizement).
Troy*** Expect another book deal on mass shootings, and how to stop them!
Use the silencer on yourself, put in on your mouth, sore loser.
No class !
Guy said he saw security guard fire in rounds out of the fourth floor .. 2 shooters !! Stinks of democrat b******t !!
I knew she was a Idiot, now I know for sure. Go AWAY, you disgusting person.
What an ignoramus sick skunk
What difference would that have made? The shots would echo regardless and the broken windows were a dead giveaway. People who have nothing to do with guns know nothing about guns.
hang this murdering$#%&!@*!