Hillary Clinton isn’t just blaming the NRA for the deadly shooting in Las Vegas. She is also claiming to know a thing or two about guns. Which is ironic considering her alleged hitman, Larry Nichols, claims her and Bill left all the dirty work to him.
The heart-rending attack at country music star Jason Aldean’s Las Vegas concert last night is driving liberals crazy at the thought of a “moral” win.
Unfortunately for the anti-gun/Constitution-hating liberals, they’re not about to have a win, and they’re the ones about to be schooled. Head on over to the next page to find out what Hillary Clinton had to say on gun control and her knowledge of guns in light of the Las Vegas shooting.
What a dummy
Would have been a lot less killed the weaon would have failed
Like her man does
Vince Tammaro, the weapon would have failed
Think before you talk Killary
Quit putting this image on my feed, I’m trying to eat.
There is no such thing as a “silencer.” I wonder if Hillary knows that suppressors don’t make a gun cycle faster? Suppressor or not, the death count would’ve been the same.
I wonder how many of the suicides of her many colleagues and those who were about to give sworn testimony against her used silencers?
More proof Clinton’s a drunk.