In attempting to reach out to Trump supporters, Hillary Clinton has ended up alienating them even further than she already has.
Speaking at a YouTube Creators summit in Los Angeles – not exactly a venue that one imagines was filled with people who have their finger of the pulse of Trump fans – the former Secretary of State claimed that she was “sympathetic” to people who support the presumptive GOP nominee and “who are feeling really left out and left behind.” Although Hillary probably thought that she would sound positively gracious to not hold Trump supporters’ choice of candidate against them, she ended up sounding more condescending than anything, particularly when she referred to some of them as “frustrated” and “fearful” while identifying herself as the only one “looking for solutions.”
But Clinton’s patronizing tone descended into outright offensiveness when she accused the Trump campaign and supporters of subscribing to bigoted beliefs. Denouncing them and their candidate for a litany of isms’ and phobias’, she even argued that the campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” was itself racist, as it allegedly suggests the US should “Go back to the time when a lot of people were not included…”
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I feel sorry for her supporters too… those dumb fuckin bastards
U evil bitch
Bla Bla Bla! Could careless what your crooked mind thinks!
How about white priciledge?
Pathetic criminal
Secure the border ! Force ” sanctuary cities ” to obey the law ! Stop importarion of islamic jihad ! Put muslim botherhood back on the terrorist list and purge them from our govt and military ! Investigate and close down jihad mosks !
The Benghazi butcher
F**k that dumb c**t
She is stupid period