You would think that with all this talk of “xenophobia” and “misogyny” that Hillary would have ample evidence to back her statements up. And yet, she couldn’t cite a single instance of an undeniable appeal to bigotry by the Trump campaign: she just offered indignation and speculation as to the motives and thoughts of Trump and his base:
“But she accused many Trump supporters of falling prey to his controversial message.
‘I’m not sympathetic to the xenophobia, the misogyny, the homophobia, the Islamophobia, and all of the other sort of dog whistles that Trump uses to create that fervor among a lot of his supporters,’ she said.
Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan, she argued, was ‘code for ‘Go back to the time when a lot of people were not included, including women, including African Americans, Latinos, and a lot of other people.’
She also criticized Trump’s ‘veiled appeal’ to supporters by inciting violence.
‘That has to be rejected, that’s contrary to our values,’ she said.”
Source: Breitbart
You have disgraced America, The Constitution of the United States, our judicial system, our Veterans, our Military, each and every state, Congress, House of Representatives, Law Enforcement, our Families and the list goes on. You are wicked in your ways and you deny the Truth. Treasonous and habitual liar. Sources of information? What year do you want to begin !!!?
Trashy, hateful, lying, POS!!!
Well, she was the 1 barking like a dog, every time her boss whistles, she asks how high.
Xenophobia?’, what a lying witch!!.