Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is making Watergate look like a Seal Team 6 mission. The build-up to having the servers turned over, has left us with another crazy outcome—they are blank, they have been wiped. Even the producers of “stupid criminals” may be considering this scandal. Many may be wondering, with so much evidence, surely the next immediate step should be charges filed. But like anything out of Washington, if charges are going to “stick”, a slower more calculated route might be best. Many political factors, like a chess game, should be employed. So, what’s that chess game shaping up to look like?
The joker for the new Batman movie
Not funny. That’s really what has happened and she thinks it’s acceptable!!! I don’t!
And look she just got a new butt plug.
Simply wiping or erasing emails doesn’t destroy them, even a smashed hard drive can be read.
Now I must gouge out my eyes with a fork. That can’t be unseen and will give me nightmares.
Would this not be “contempt of court?”
You tube the Clinton murders
this woman is a mad man, literally!!!!!
A young man was walking up from the lake, with a bucket of fish. A game warden stopped him, and said “are those fish in your bucket?” Yeah, replied the young man, “there my fish.” I bring them down to the lake for exercise they swim around some and then swim back in the bucket. The game warden says “can you prove that?” Why sure said the young man, so he tossed the bucket of fish back into the lake. They stood there for some time, the game warden said, “well, where are they young man?” “Where is what?” the young man replied. Now the game warden is getting agitated! “All those fish you said were coming back.” The young man replied, “What email?” .oops I meant “What Fish?”