Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is making Watergate look like a Seal Team 6 mission. The build-up to having the servers turned over, has left us with another crazy outcome—they are blank, they have been wiped. Even the producers of “stupid criminals” may be considering this scandal. Many may be wondering, with so much evidence, surely the next immediate step should be charges filed. But like anything out of Washington, if charges are going to “stick”, a slower more calculated route might be best. Many political factors, like a chess game, should be employed. So, what’s that chess game shaping up to look like?
sure, that is really going to help you Hitlery…you are a waste of a human being…so they are going to drag it out for another year so Ovomit can’t save her
did they reall not expect that
Yep, now the FBI can say well there was no evidence so I guess there is no crime. Remember when our FBI use to be Legit?
Ha, ha, ha
Arrest her!
give grandma hillary to ISIS to play with
Obama is gonna protect his favorite white $#%&!@*.
That would be tampering with federal government property and conspiracy. Even if they find nothing. Once she used her server for any government use it automatically became property of the government. Also it was unsecured that is treason and stupidity is no defense. Put her under the jail already.
Hillary and Obama for prison