Anybody who still harbors doubts about the threat Hillary Clinton poses to their Second Amendment rights would be well-advised to take a look at what she had to say about the matter in an interview on Fox News.
Speaking with Chris Wallace, Hillary proved to be as slippery as ever during her time on the program. Confronted by Wallace about the missing 30,000 emails from her private server and the fact that her policy proposals amount to more of the same, failed policies of the past 8 years, she alternatively shrugged his questions off by, in classic Clinton fashion, mouthing meaningless platitudes and feigning ignorance of her own actions.
Nowhere was this display more shameful than when Wallace asked her about certain past remarks she made about guns. As the host pointed out, despite her reassurances that she’s not hoping to take away anybody’s guns, the Democratic candidate infamously said this at a fundraiser for her campaign: “The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.”
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I don’t want her dead. I only want to see her tortured.
Lying bitch
Lying Bitch
She’s afraid we might start to shoot back!!!
AND she continues to LIE. tell me she does not have a serious mental problem, that centers around only her own desires, trained by Obama..
You don’t have to worry about nothing. GITMO fornthe rest of your pathetic life.
Her nose is growing and her mouth is moving. Monica for dem candidate!!
BS, leftists lie about everything all the time. You don’t have to repeal the second amendment. You can just pass a bunch of laws and regulations, and restrictions to make it very hard to buy and own a gun. Maybe add some more taxes to it. Then she can come out and say that she did not touch the second amendment and we were all just wrong. Yeah,I know that leftists game.Your not fooling anyone with garbage.
I hear bozo and the EPA just shut down the last lead smeltering plant in America! But, there’s still out of country ammo available.