Anybody who still harbors doubts about the threat Hillary Clinton poses to their Second Amendment rights would be well-advised to take a look at what she had to say about the matter in an interview on Fox News.
Speaking with Chris Wallace, Hillary proved to be as slippery as ever during her time on the program. Confronted by Wallace about the missing 30,000 emails from her private server and the fact that her policy proposals amount to more of the same, failed policies of the past 8 years, she alternatively shrugged his questions off by, in classic Clinton fashion, mouthing meaningless platitudes and feigning ignorance of her own actions.
Nowhere was this display more shameful than when Wallace asked her about certain past remarks she made about guns. As the host pointed out, despite her reassurances that she’s not hoping to take away anybody’s guns, the Democratic candidate infamously said this at a fundraiser for her campaign: “The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.”
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Behind closed doors ? Naw we pass ! Just ask the wrestling” ROCK “
Well , if you happen to seek , the most beautiful – fullest girl in the world , it’s not Clinton ……..
It’s set in stone ~$#%&!@*HILLARY
Says the wrestling ” ROCK “
She would repeal it in a heartbeat if she was able to
Only aganist American citizens, not you
If you like your healthcare you can keep your healthcare.If you like your Second Amendment you can keep your Second Amendment.Sound familiar?
B******t ya two faced lieing stealing murdering traitorous political whore!
Story that broke late last night of US paying Iran 400 Million Dollars BEFORE Iran had released the 4 US Hostages that were being held in Tehran. What make this even worse, aside from Obama not taking appropriate measures and actions, he simply just paid them. The already highly scrutinized deal between USA and Iran is now is looking more like a hostage ransom than anything! Though, today, the White House held press release saying this was not ransom, that it was a separate deal handled by a different team of officials. However, this DOES NOT make it OK! Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism and funnels millions of dollars into terrorist groups, especially Isis. There is no excuse the Obama administration can use to justify the act of paying Iran the money, especially when this entire Iran deal was done behind the back of the American people and without approval from congress. Aside the fact the US has a policy of not paying terrorists. The money was procured from central banks in Netherlands and Switzerland reports have said. And delivered via a unmarked plan with payment in various currencies, with the drop being made under the cloak of night. The Obama administration says not ransom, but then the need for secrecy would not have been needed. With this discovery raises very serious questions as to what else Obama and Kerry agreed to and gave Iran? This is probably the best example that can be given to highlight and reinforce the gross negligence practiced by Obama and his administration. As Trump has made point, this was the worst deal ever made (aside from NAFTA) and Obama should have not attacked Trump saying he was “not fit” to be president, but clearly Obama is the one who is unfit!