If there’s one thing that Hillary Clinton has consistently proven over the course of her sorry and corrupt-beyond-meausre career as a politician, it’s that just when you think she can’t contradict herself any further, she pulls off a stunt that leaves even members of her own party in disbelief.
In her latest campaign video, she tries to show her non-existent experience with foreign policy by attempting to make a feminist speech in China, and wearing a Hijab. If you’re having trouble connecting the dots, let’s think about those two things for a moment.
China is a place where a Communist regime forces women to have abortions due to their restrictions on child birth. Then there’s the Hijab, an Islamic garment of submission. Not only is this garment a source of Muslim violence against women, but historically, its purpose was to distinguish Muslim women who couldn’t be raped from non-Muslim slave women. How’s that for feminism?
Read more what the Quran has to say about it on the next page.
are you sure about this sharon or do i need to quote it for you ? Ill just quote it for you. I know how informative you christians are with your bible. 1 Corinthians 11:6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head. Before you talk about killing people. just look at american history, founding days of killing indians, killing british, killing each other, killing black n spanish, killing muslims, killing vietnamese, killing koreans, killing almost every people on every country on earth. Now via drones paid via christian tax payers.. praise jesus ? smh.. so many christian support the war machine and cry jesus didn’t teach violence. then fuking stop supporting it. even these terrorist are cia founded. lol. sorry, but facts trump fox news and their loud garbage bs trumps. and those oxymoron christian zionist. lol what a joke. how pathetic christians are becoming. robots.. this is why i advice them about reading their books again. do learn what jesus said and taught, but better suggestion is. apply it to your lives. close all military bases globally, bring the troops home, that would be a great christian start.
Republicans do not represent God, that’s a lie straight from the pits of hell. You guys make people run away from getting to know him.
Republicans aren’t God and you don’t have a right to take away anyways rights. Last time I checked God gives us free will. Last time I checked man was accountable to God not man.
Why is it that white people, mainly republicans talk about race wars? What the hell is that.
You sound like another radical uneducated Republican.
The Chameleon strikes again!
Is this what we want to see as our president people? I can’t believe she has any support whatsoever.
Lala Hollie, interesting take. I did equate the Democrat Party as being supported by Satan but not sure I said Repubs were good with God.
My challenge to you, please point out any part that is not accurate or factual?
Supporting a political party aligned with sick, deranged, vile, wicked, and evil actions is disturbing.
If even 1/2 the claims are true and you support the Democrat Party then what does that make you?
Oh LORD, please don’t make me have to see all this political c**p for a whole year. I can’t take it!!!! People believe anything and everything they see or read on the internet. Sometimes Scopes is a good thing to use. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I am AMERICAN! And I will vote for who is good for AMERICAN People! So get over the party rants ppl. And all Hijab’s ive seen are black. Could she be wearing a scarf like they used to back in the day???? Its possible! Geez, please just let it stop………..
she knows the americans aren’t dumb enough to give her a vote
She is so corrupt that she will turn on her own people and country to gain power and more money. If she is elected President of this country I will follow other Americans to Ecuador or Costa Rica. Tired of the Clinton’s and Bush’s . We need new blood with more conservative ideas.