If there’s one thing that Hillary Clinton has consistently proven over the course of her sorry and corrupt-beyond-meausre career as a politician, it’s that just when you think she can’t contradict herself any further, she pulls off a stunt that leaves even members of her own party in disbelief.
In her latest campaign video, she tries to show her non-existent experience with foreign policy by attempting to make a feminist speech in China, and wearing a Hijab. If you’re having trouble connecting the dots, let’s think about those two things for a moment.
China is a place where a Communist regime forces women to have abortions due to their restrictions on child birth. Then there’s the Hijab, an Islamic garment of submission. Not only is this garment a source of Muslim violence against women, but historically, its purpose was to distinguish Muslim women who couldn’t be raped from non-Muslim slave women. How’s that for feminism?
Read more what the Quran has to say about it on the next page.
Treason arrest Hillary immediately
Shawn Carter Oh but I do. I’m old and have been around for all of her antics starting way back in Arkansas. She was fired from the investigation for Watergate….for lying…that’s public record. She lied about Benghazi…that’s public record based on those emails she tried to delete….how much proof do you need? It’s all public record. What should scare the p**p out of you is that she wrote her college thesis on Saul Alinksy (I’m assuming you know who he is, if not google his name) and her thesis was glowing as he was her idol. That should give you a glimpse of who she is….and if you find that agreeable, you are in deep doo-doo.
I generally consider myself a “nice & decent guy” or at least try to be. So it angers me that I know what what I know about her and when I see her face and hear her voice I think “scum bag, murderer raw evil disgusting human puke”.
Chameleon maybe she should go live in Saudi Arabia!
Marianne, this p.o.s. prez was SUPPOSED TO end all the wars that preceded him!!!!!
She probably has converted already.
Its fitting, BYE
If that’s the new America, I want no part.
It’s mockery.