Hillary Clinton has a bright idea for how to keep assault weapons out of the hands of murderers like Orlando shooting perpetrator Omar Mateen: make it illegal to own them.
The former Secretary of State offered her solution (if you can call it that) in an interview on CNN, giving a major hint as to what kind of policy a Clinton administration would pursue in relation to guns. Needless to say, it’s disturbing to anyone who values their Second Amendment rights.
Noting that assault weapons were indeed prohibited for a period of ten years from 1994 to 2004, Clinton lamented that the ban was lifted and said she “think[s] it should be reinstated.” She didn’t explain, however, how exactly such a ban would have prevented a radical Islamic terrorist intent on killing Americans from doing just that. For that matter, she didn’t even mention that there was no evidence to indicate that the previous ban did anything to reduce gun violence.
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Dumb bitch
We need to lift the ban on Killary and have her fitted for an orange jumpsuit, leg irons, and shackles
We should out law everything that Kill’s people, to mention a few, Cars, food , cars, Alligators knifes, Booze, Air planes but mostly Muslims ,
They swore to uphold our constitution when they took office. If they’ve changed their minds about that and don’t follow it, they need to be terminated from their position in government, with no extra pay or benefits.
Yep, and that’s why she’s responsible for our dead ambassadors in B.
Tell her Secret Service they can’t carry weapons. She is a liar and idiotic fool.
we the people demand you go to jail…..
– It’s pretty obvious that both parties, the media and their masters just consider the American people to be collateral damage in their game of globalization and cheap wages.
We obviously need new leaders who will institute trade and immigration policies that will put the best interests of our own citizens and country first and foremost, especially our veterans – And that’s certainly not Hillary, Cruz, Rubio, Romney, Ryan or any of the other bought and paid for puppets that either party and their masters put out there for us.
God help us if that evil-unethical-disingenuous-dishonest-power-monger Hillary gets in – And Trump is the only one that stands a chance in hell of beating her with her brainwashed followers and the Clinton machine and appears to be the guy to get us headed back in the right direction.
The American People clearly want and need new leaders who will institute trade and immigration policies that will benefit all US CITIZENS – Black, White, Asian, Latino, Etc. . . . . And that’s not racist or socialist – It’s common sense, if you’re an American of any race, creed or gender.
It’s Not Rocket Science – Since the FreeTraitors have had their way of it, our largest export has been American jobs and money.
Our huge trade deficits and indebtedness to foreign countries like communist China are obviously not in the best interest of our country or the American people.
For the last 25-years our government has allowed and enabled our country’s industries to get sucked out to other countries like communist China, India and Mexico and allowed illegal aliens and foreign H1B / H2B visa workers to continue to pour into our country and take away income-tax-paying American’s jobs and drive down wages.
Good news for the American People would be more full time jobs with occasional wage increases and without getting health care benefits taken away – And we all know that that’s not happening.
NEWS FLASH: Our leaders are elected by the citizens of the United States of America to represent the interests of those citizens and the country itself – They are not supposed to be representing Wall Street, lobbyist, international corporations, the global marketplace ( WTO, NAFTA, TPP, KORUS ), foreign citizens, foreign interests or illegal aliens – And it’s about time that all of our so called leaders started honoring that fact.
Let’s face it, if it wasn’t for Trump, our bought and paid for puppet politicians and media would still be talking about peripheral social issues like gay marriage and abortion, rather than the core issues facing the American people, the real American economy and the future of our own citizens – It’s called polarize and distract – But, fortunately most Americans aren’t buying it anymore.
Trump is the only real candidate out there for the American People.
I believe Trump / Giuliani would be the best ticket for the American People, the real American economy and the future of our country.
when did illegalities keep you from doing anything hilz?
Agree with you but have one comment. Giuliani is not the right person for VP. He is as corrupt as Killery.