Hillary Clinton has a bright idea for how to keep assault weapons out of the hands of murderers like Orlando shooting perpetrator Omar Mateen: make it illegal to own them.
The former Secretary of State offered her solution (if you can call it that) in an interview on CNN, giving a major hint as to what kind of policy a Clinton administration would pursue in relation to guns. Needless to say, it’s disturbing to anyone who values their Second Amendment rights.
Noting that assault weapons were indeed prohibited for a period of ten years from 1994 to 2004, Clinton lamented that the ban was lifted and said she “think[s] it should be reinstated.” She didn’t explain, however, how exactly such a ban would have prevented a radical Islamic terrorist intent on killing Americans from doing just that. For that matter, she didn’t even mention that there was no evidence to indicate that the previous ban did anything to reduce gun violence.
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good luck with that$#%&!@*
Ban Islam and ban her$#%&!@*as well , she needs to swing
I am firmly convinced that should she be elected the US will cease to exist as a free nation. By the end of her term we will be a Communist nation because she is a devout believer in Communism . . . .
She continually says:
“We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
“It’s time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few…… And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity. [a Communist dictate]
(actually Communism takes away from the masses for the ELITEs, and only the Elites live in comfort, get good healthcare. Look it up!)
“(We) …can’t just let business as usual go on, and that means something
has to be taken away from some people.”
“We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up
a little bit of their own … in order to create this common ground.” [a Communist dictate]
“I certainly think the free-market has failed.”
“I think it’s time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched.”
Jason Said:
“Those of us around during the last Clinton presidency got to know her well. She did her college dissertation on Saul Alinsky and “Rules for Radicals,” a neo-marxist manual for destabilizing societies. In college she had ties to marxist college organizations that you USED to be able to find evidence of on the internet but has since been scrubbed preceding the 2016 elections. She openly speaks of ‘collectivism’ which is code for “Marxism” or dare I say, “Communism.”
And a major incentive to not vote for her: SHE PROMISES TO BRING BACK THE NATIONAL 55 MPH SPEED LIMIT. Anyone living through the Carter years know how disgusting this is. Which is why it was abandon after he left office. It just pisses everyone off . . . . . .
Hilary Clinton has said that she would not go to war against ISIS. Now compare this with Russia who is blasting ISIS away, proving that the strength of ISIS has been sensationalized and that they can be destroyed in a very short amount of time. According to the report:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that she is against declaring war on the Islamic State terror group. Amazingly this is the Jezebel woman whose husband butchered tens of thousands of Christians in Serbia. She would fully support killing of Cristian’s, but never Islamic terrorist.
Just look how far we have advanced toward Communism under Odumer. He endorses her hoping she will complete the Communistic transformation of the United States of America. That is the sole purpose for gun control. As her idol Saul Alinsky taught:
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:
There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state.
The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control — Remove the ability for a nation to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
A Police State is a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures.
We demand that she is arrested for her treasonous acts. We demand that this traitor killary clinton be tried and hung for her part in the murders in Bengazi.
She can go to hell
I jhave a bright idea for keeping the presidency out of the hands of someone who is under investigation by the FBI…..
Thats more guns she can sell to our enemies
I demand prison for Hillary and a ban on her ever holding office again, she needs to go behind bars for life.
Oh shut up witch