Hillary Clinton has a bright idea for how to keep assault weapons out of the hands of murderers like Orlando shooting perpetrator Omar Mateen: make it illegal to own them.
The former Secretary of State offered her solution (if you can call it that) in an interview on CNN, giving a major hint as to what kind of policy a Clinton administration would pursue in relation to guns. Needless to say, it’s disturbing to anyone who values their Second Amendment rights.
Noting that assault weapons were indeed prohibited for a period of ten years from 1994 to 2004, Clinton lamented that the ban was lifted and said she “think[s] it should be reinstated.” She didn’t explain, however, how exactly such a ban would have prevented a radical Islamic terrorist intent on killing Americans from doing just that. For that matter, she didn’t even mention that there was no evidence to indicate that the previous ban did anything to reduce gun violence.
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Killary your disgusting…we need a ban on seeing your face
I demand that she stfu and and get indicted already!
We do not have a gun problem; we have a liberal problem…. Once that is ratified on November 8 2016, this mess will not happen any more………Assault weapons are illegal and can not be bought by the general public, they are not available in any gun store or gun show…. They are for military and police use only…. The difference is, an Assault weapon is fully automatic, it has two settings, full auto and semi auto, in full auto mode, when you depress the trigger and hold it, it will rapid fire all its ammunition… A rife, which is all the public can purchase, is a semi automatic, which means when you depress the trigger, only one round will be dispensed… I do not care what the rifle looks like; it is only a semi automatic…. If you ban them, you will ban every weapon out there….. So don’t let the liberal fools on mainstream cram their bs down your throats…. See the video below…..http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/Assault-weapons-vs-semi-automatic-guns Basically these liberal fools are disarming our Police and Military… Better break out the high powered slingshots… that’s all they will have left……
No one sees a problem here
stupid bitch
“Come take ’em,”$#%&!@*
you won’t demand Proud Americans anymore we are sick of you career politicians and you and obama especially
Better get your waders on your eyeballs are about ready to FLOAT over your FAT$#%&!@*HEAD’S in your$#%&!@*
Gun Bans Get Innocent People Killed