Ever the archetypical gun grabber, Clinton proceeded to recite a laundry list of legislative changes that she was positive would keep Mateen and others from carrying out their heinous acts. She slammed the state of Florida for not levying additional restrictions on gun ownership and slammed Congress for not voting to keep people on the terror watch and no fly lists from obtaining firearms. Again, this doesn’t take into account that terrorists, like other kinds of criminals, don’t care about the law and will find ways around it like Mateen did when he brought his weapon into a designated no-gun zone:
“Clinton criticized Florida’s gun laws, blaming legislatures for not regulating assault weapons, 50 caliber rifles, or large capacity ammunition magazines. She also blamed Florida for not requiring a permit to purchase a gun, not requiring gun registration, and not requiring gun owners to be licensed to carry a shotgun or a rifle.
‘We know the gunman used a weapon of war to shoot down at least 50 innocent Americans and, you know, we won’t even be able to get the congress to prevent terrorists or people on the no-fly list from buying guns,’ she said.
Clinton demanded more gun control to stop mass shootings, reminding viewers that the mass shooting in Orlando was the worst in American history.”
Source: Breitbart
We demand you go to
Prison and back out of the race!! Guns are better then a liar, a crook, a murder, takes money from
Other countries, loves Muslims, and lies some more!!
When people say they don’t trust Mr Trump… Why??? This man has not stop for 12 plus months, fighting for our country, for us! He has given up time with his family, he doesn’t have to be doing this! He is doing it because he loves AMERICA !!! He wants The United States back again. He’s a very successful business men, has raised a beautiful, smart, it intelligent family and has given millions of dollars to people in need, loves our vets and loves the most important thing is he LOVES GOD !!!
How about we ban her for treason
What Clinton said today, “If you believe as I do, America values hard work and treats people with dignity and offering everyone the chance to live our dreams and cares for those in need, well, the formula for America’s success have always been that we are stronger together.”
Behind closed doors, Hillary Clinton uses State Department access and favors to rake in massive sums of money from some of the most oppressive regimes on planet Earth.
“Rarely, If Ever, Has A Potential Commander In Chief Been So Closely Associated With An Organization That Has Solicited Financial Support From Foreign Governments.” “Rarely, if ever, has a potential commander in chief been so closely associated with an organization that has solicited financial support from foreign governments. Clinton formally joined the foundation in 2013 after leaving the State Department, and the organization was renamed the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.” (Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger, “Foreign Governments Gave Millions To Foundation While Clinton Was At State Dept.,” The Washington Post, 2/25/15)
Instead Of Highlighting Her Work On Women’s Rights, Hillary Clinton Now “Finds Herself Under Attack For Her Family Foundation’s Acceptance Of Millions Of Dollars In Donations From Middle Eastern Countries Known For Violence Against Women And For Denying Them Many Basic Freedoms.” “It was supposed to be a carefully planned anniversary to mark one of the most important and widely praised moments in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s political career — and to remind the country, ahead of a likely 2016 presidential campaign, about her long record as a champion for the rights of women and girls. Instead, as Mrs. Clinton commemorates her 1995 women’s rights speech in Beijing in back-to-back events in New York, she finds herself under attack for her family foundation’s acceptance of millions of dollars in donations from Middle Eastern countries known for violence against women and for denying them many basic freedoms. This was not how she intended to reintroduce herself to American voters.”(Amy Chozick, “Hillary Clinton Faces Test Of Record As Women’s Advocate,” The New York Times, 3/8/15)
“The Donations From Countries With Poor Records On Women’s Rights, However, Presented A Difficult Appearance Problem For A Candidate Running In Part As The Embodiment Of Women’s Aspirations To Equality.” (Amy Chozick, “Hillary Clinton Faces Test Of Record As Women’s Advocate,” The New York Times, 3/8/15)
Some Contributions Have Been From Governments And Companies With “Spotty Human Rights Records And Business Before The U.S. Government.” “While Clinton is the prohibitive favorite to win the Democratic nomination, her nascent candidacy has been plagued by criticism surrounding her family foundation’s acceptance of contributions from foreign governments and companies in countries with spotty human rights records and business before the U.S. government.” (Kenneth Vogel and Josh Gerstein, “Moroccan Cash Flows To Clinton Foundation,” Politico, 4/8/15)
The Clinton Foundation Has Accepted Between $21,250,009 And $65,500,000 From Middle Eastern Countries With Policies Hostile Toward Women’s Rights, Gay Rights And Human Rights. (Clinton Foundation, Accessed 3/15/16)
How about just sending her to GITMO and she will be around the real thing, automatic weapons.