Attempting to sort out the players in the Middle-East is almost an impossible task. Deception and subterfuge are simply standard tools used by regimes and groups as they advance their causes and seek to accomplish their political, religious, and military objectives. Though we don’t recall who, it was a Middle-East leader who said, effectively, that whatever appears to be going on in the Middle-East isn’t what’s really going on.
Into this menagerie of conflicting and shifting alliances, European powers and, more recently, the US have inserted themselves both in terms of financial support and in terms of military intervention. That we’ve frequently gotten it wrong comes as no surprise. Even if we do figure it out, many of the loyalties and alliances of the various actors in that region are not static, but are changing, guaranteeing that our efforts are likely to fail or backfire.
For example, while we might claim to be fighting terrorism as practiced by ISIS, we combat ISIS in one area while fighting the opponents of ISIS in another. Which means that you can almost guarantee that arm shipments are going to fall into the hands of our enemies resulting in the absurd situation of our fighting against forces that are using weapons we provided.
For example:
The US just sold $11 billion worth of patriot missile parts and Apache helicopters to Qatar, who it acknowledges is a supporter of terrorism, including a Muslim Brotherhood group with connections to Hamas.
Tell us that makes for a successful Middle-East policy. More on page two.
Trunth And Sex tapes of Trump
You have American fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, fighting over there to only have Hillary and Obama supply the emeny with weapons to destroy our troops. all of the people who vote for this nag had better be prepared for them to kill you just as they armed terrorist there they will and have armed them here .
I am glad this is coming out
Ive posted before about a friend i have in security that works for g4s the comoany hilliady hired and then called off security the post in bengahzi
He is dying to tell his story but hes still under a non disclosure agreement
Obama and Hillary are both globalists that dream of a hemispheric common market, with open borders and open trade. In order to accomplish their goal of doing so, they needed a major player to do the dirty work for them. That is why they allowed ISIS to form, metastasize, grow, and take control of the Middle East.
Read the article
Clinton and Obama did not just create ISIS, they micro-managed them for years. This was part of their master plan in 2012, and they are now being exposed for it.
In a WikiLeaks email, a memo was created by Obama’s top military advisers that made its way to all of our federal agencies, including Hillary Clinton at the State Department.
Putin BLOWS UP Over Obama Blaming Him For Emails, Releases Proof Obama Is Head Of ISIS | Conservative Daily Post
Hillary is not qualified to be running as a candidate for the president of the United States she should be in prison as of right now!
Obama funding Isis
CONFIRMED – WikiLeaks Reveals WHO Has Been Funding ISIS, It Leads STRAIGHT To Hillary
CONFIRMED – WikiLeaks Reveals WHO Has Been Funding ISIS, It Leads STRAIGHT To Hillary
The Coward-inChief! Has caused this and if we elect Clinton we will be in WWIII in no time at alll! This administration supporting ISIS is disgusting
BOOM! Wikileaks Confirms Hillary Sold Weapons To ISIS
BOOM! Wikileaks Confirms Hillary Sold Weapons To ISIS
This former Muslim has a message for Obama, and you’ll be shocked to hear what it is OCT 16, 2016by ADMINin DIASPORA
Previous post
Brother Rachid, a well-known Morrocan television personaility is hiding all identifying details about himself. He has converted to Christianity and is identified by Islam as an infidel who should be killed. Islam, as he explains, is the religion of “peace”. That is, if you’re a religious Muslim…
Brother Rachid was born in Morocco to a well known imam, Islamic leader. He knew large portions of the Quoran by heart at an early age. And he has a message for Baraq Obama. He wants Obama to stop telling fairy tales. He wants Obama to understand that ISIL is based on Islam as are all radical Islamic terrorist groups.
This former Muslim has a message for Obama, and you’ll be shocked to hear what it is | JEWSNEWS
Obama Hillary are the founder of Isis
Obama created Isis
Us admits funding Isis
The founder of Isis
Obama is training Isis
Obama training isal
Isis was created by the White House
yes they are need
a jail obama and Hillary clinton why
they’re not in jail ???
Hillary for prison
So, now with all of Killery’s “accomplishments” she can now add Illegal Gun Runner to her resume. The most corrupt person EVER in politics is really putting up the milestones.
The people that would vote for this woman are out of their minds people take your blinders off open your eyes and see the light this woman is an idiot
Why is this not considered treason. They were giving aide to the enemy.