Attempting to sort out the players in the Middle-East is almost an impossible task. Deception and subterfuge are simply standard tools used by regimes and groups as they advance their causes and seek to accomplish their political, religious, and military objectives. Though we don’t recall who, it was a Middle-East leader who said, effectively, that whatever appears to be going on in the Middle-East isn’t what’s really going on.
Into this menagerie of conflicting and shifting alliances, European powers and, more recently, the US have inserted themselves both in terms of financial support and in terms of military intervention. That we’ve frequently gotten it wrong comes as no surprise. Even if we do figure it out, many of the loyalties and alliances of the various actors in that region are not static, but are changing, guaranteeing that our efforts are likely to fail or backfire.
For example, while we might claim to be fighting terrorism as practiced by ISIS, we combat ISIS in one area while fighting the opponents of ISIS in another. Which means that you can almost guarantee that arm shipments are going to fall into the hands of our enemies resulting in the absurd situation of our fighting against forces that are using weapons we provided.
For example:
The US just sold $11 billion worth of patriot missile parts and Apache helicopters to Qatar, who it acknowledges is a supporter of terrorism, including a Muslim Brotherhood group with connections to Hamas.
Tell us that makes for a successful Middle-East policy. More on page two.
God bless our military! Their own government..
Corrupt money grubber.
And we are letting them in here as “refugees”. Wake up America, your government is at war with you.
She is no better than Obama. She has concocted deals and made plans to destroy this country from the inside out. She needs to be brought up on charges of treason right along with Obama. The things that they have done to this country and the people in it are pure treason, plain and simple!!!!!!
Surprised?? Where have you been?
So true. Evil to the core.
Lady Macbeth
Something to be thinking about!!!
A lot of people have brought up the fact that they won’t vote for Trump if he’s the eventual nominee. I just want to put something in perspective.
Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, and Thomas is 67. Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.
These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.
Think about that… 7-2. If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are seemed to be lacking in mandate.
Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms. Period.
Everyone saying that they won’t vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another Conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever.
If you are a Conservative, a vote for anyone but the GOP nominee, whomever that will be, is a vote for Hillary Clinton.