Hillary Clinton: Create a National Sales Tax on Guns

Previous anti-gun plan exposed

Politicians like Clinton continue to propose different techniques to take away 2nd amendment rights of the people, no matter how often they are defeated at the ballot box or in the courts. Americans for Tax Reform (ATF) President Grover Norquist spoke recently on President Obama’s 2017 budget proposal and tax reform proposals from the 2016 presidential candidates. He then cited a previous comment made by Clinton and the concern he has for her reintroducing the plan should she become president.

Focusing in on Hillary Clinton’s proposals, Grover illuminates her support of a 25 percent national sales tax on guns. Clinton was asked by then-Sen. Bill Bradley (D-N.J.) if she supported the imposition of a new, 25 percent national sales tax on guns. Clinton emphatically endorsed the tax, stating: “I am all for that.”

The implications for this tax would harm millions of firearm and ammunition related jobs across the country. Her decision to support a national sales tax on guns is a clear attempt at gun control through other means.

Though the comment is somewhat dated, it is indicative of the many sneaky ways in which the left accomplishes its goals. Of course a 25 percent tax on low-income, law-abiding citizens in the inner city where crime and violence are rampant would be a huge cost to those least able to absorb it. For Clinton and her ilk, the ultimate aim is to disarm America and to make sure that the only ones who have the benefit of the 2nd amendment are elites like themselves. The idea that Clinton is interested in others is truly laughable, but for some reason, her brand of phoniness and promises seems to sell to the chattering masses of Democrats.

Source: atr.org



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