Hillary Clinton just can’t get enough of criticizing our nations’ police. The “systematic racism” she claims runs rampant in the law enforcement community — for which she has no proof — is one of her go-to applause lines on the stump, and now she’s going even further.
Dissatisfied with simply criticizing the jobs our nation’s cops to do keep us safe, now Hillary is claiming the we have to retrain our officers in order to better conform to her liberal ideologies.
According to Hillary, law enforcement’s long-crafted method of seeking out and putting an end to crime simply won’t do in a Clinton administration. Instead of the goals-based methods currently used by the police, she wants to implement more politically correct policies — policies that will likely play well in the media while making our nation’s streets less safe.
To see Hillary’s calls to retrain our cops in a more liberal image, continue reading on the next page:
Hitlery is racist, needs to be rebrained
She is trying for more votes !! She is really a joke !
The Cops should lock you up Hillary.
This priceless w—e will say anything to garner a few more votes, regardless of who she hangs out to dry.
What Hillary, Obama and Bernie Sanders are doing is inciting anger to make sure those that are in power stay in power and purposely pushing the race card and brain washing our young
Johnny, I don’t think you know what those institutions are for lol. You have to be a criminal. Just like the other dumbasses keep saying. Type my name with the word mugshot afterwards. Watch how little comes back. That goes to retard Steve as well. You idiots act like because someone is aware of the actions of evil people that they’re criminals. Just look up any police shooting. What, MAYBE 1% gets any kind of punishment? And Tiffany you’ve hit a new plain of stupidity never before reached. Cops are held accountable? How can you even lie so blatantly? I mean WHAT??? Cops are held accountable by the people, but not by the justice system, where it matters. You people all watch Fox or CNN or some dumb$#%&!@* And you’re probably all republicans. Once the brainwashing goes away and you do research before blurting$#%&!@*out of your faces then give me a legible argument. You morons keep saying the same dumb$#%&!@* Whoch has already been proven false. Keep trying my uneducated friends. That’s what i’m here for. To open your eyes to the truth. And what the TV tells you is obviously so far from the truth that you’re being dumbed down by watching it. Name 3 cops who were sentenced for murder. Bet you can’t. But I bet you know is Kanye West and the Hobbit got a new dog. Lololol this is so fun cause you’re all just so blatantly stupid.
Only a tiny minority, Hillary, and put away that term “racist”. They’ve worn it out completely!
I want to know when this is going to happen at the FBI arrest sir the conspiracy against United States
she will divide this country beyond repair i am afraid
wake up people, this has gone way too far