Hillary Clinton just can’t get enough of criticizing our nations’ police. The “systematic racism” she claims runs rampant in the law enforcement community — for which she has no proof — is one of her go-to applause lines on the stump, and now she’s going even further.
Dissatisfied with simply criticizing the jobs our nation’s cops to do keep us safe, now Hillary is claiming the we have to retrain our officers in order to better conform to her liberal ideologies.
According to Hillary, law enforcement’s long-crafted method of seeking out and putting an end to crime simply won’t do in a Clinton administration. Instead of the goals-based methods currently used by the police, she wants to implement more politically correct policies — policies that will likely play well in the media while making our nation’s streets less safe.
To see Hillary’s calls to retrain our cops in a more liberal image, continue reading on the next page:
She sound like a lot of people complain when the cops do there job and complain when they don’t. She doesn’t seem to complain about all the secret service protection her and her family and security details . What would she do if no one protected her ?
What’s she running for? Panderer in chief? Shut the$#%&!@*up Hillary, you’re drunk.
somebodyslapthatbitch !!
Cops are not raceist, they are public protectors, the libes think a preson is racist if they follow the law.
I love you guys, all brainwashed and mindless. Just how the media and Obama want you to be. When in reality everyone is out to get you. From doctors and dentists, newspapers and news outlets on TV. Government officials working in cahoots with big business to kill everyone while monopolizing natural resources. Spreading heavy metals through the air with chemtrails. It’s all a conspiracy to undermine our freedom. And when whatever jackass gets “elected” as our new dictator, and causes WW3, us who know and understand this$#%&!@*will have worked out a survival plan. And to all the idiots saying “only lifelong criminals hate cops”, you’re just plain ole’ ignorant. And yes everyone, let’s look up Nick Waddle on criminal databases, and what shall we find? 1 felony charge of Grand Theft. Ha! Lifelong criminal aye? Well how come i’m not fabulously wealthy feom my lifelong pursuit of crime, having never been caught??? Charade you are my comrade! The Aliens will all descend down from the sky one day and take us of supreme intelligence to a new dimension of consciousnesses. Just wait. We’ll all see now won’t we?
Hillary Clinton is poor excuse for a woman, should be in jail.
you shoukld be in prison
I see devils in her. She is like a witch.
Go to hell hillary