Hillary Clinton just can’t get enough of criticizing our nations’ police. The “systematic racism” she claims runs rampant in the law enforcement community — for which she has no proof — is one of her go-to applause lines on the stump, and now she’s going even further.
Dissatisfied with simply criticizing the jobs our nation’s cops to do keep us safe, now Hillary is claiming the we have to retrain our officers in order to better conform to her liberal ideologies.
According to Hillary, law enforcement’s long-crafted method of seeking out and putting an end to crime simply won’t do in a Clinton administration. Instead of the goals-based methods currently used by the police, she wants to implement more politically correct policies — policies that will likely play well in the media while making our nation’s streets less safe.
To see Hillary’s calls to retrain our cops in a more liberal image, continue reading on the next page:
Lady, you offend everything i believe in! You have sold your soul to the devil and he can have you!
Your racist!!! And should be restrained.
F**K YOU Hillary!!!
Again with the full retard….smmmmmmmmh
I am sick of her playing the race card against our police. I will stand with police any day over her. She is promising these black people so much and she will never keep her promise. I feel sorry that they are listening to her. Blacks are so much better than what she is betraying them to be.
Hillary I would suggest you could use some retraining. But we all know retraining seldom is effective on liars and lifelong criminals
Y’all just put little nick on ignore. He is only here to rant his delusions. All of us know that most cops ARE focused on the job of protecting others. It appears to me that nickie must be either a total psycho who is in needs of his psychiatric meds or a loon who is a lifelong criminal (why else would he have such a low esteem for those that protect his right to show his lunacy?).
This is a yardstick of just how phucked up USA is. To think that this soulless$#%&!@*spews this sphincter salad and dumbasses listen to her. Sad…
She’s a certifiable idiot