Hillary Clinton Bundler’s Ties to Saudi Arabia Revealed

Hillary Clinton blunder Tony Podesta’s ties to Saudi Arabia have been reveled, and they couldn’t have come at a worse time.

TEL AVIV — The Saudi government has contracted the communications and strategy firm of Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta, paying the group $140,000 per month to work for Saudi interests in the U.S.

On Wednesday, the Washington Post reported:

“The Saudi government and its affiliates have spent millions of dollars on U.S. law, lobby and public relations firms to raise the country’s visibility in the United States and before the United Nations at a crucial time.

And some of Washington’s premier law and lobby firms — including Podesta Group, BGR Government Affairs, DLA Piper and Pillsbury Winthrop — have been tasked with the job, according to a review of Justice Department filings.”

The Post added some specifics about the Saudi contract with the Podesta Group but failed to report the significant detail that the firm’s owner, who is personally working on the Saudi account, is John Podesta’s brother. The Post only identified Tony Podesta as “a top Democratic lobbyist and major contributor to Hillary Clinton.”

Tony Podesta is a financial bundler for the Democratic Party, including Clinton’s campaigns.

The newspaper reported:

“The lobby firm Podesta Group has an ongoing contract with the Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court, a government entity, for $140,000 monthly. Barring any changes to the fee schedule, the year-long work would earn the firm $1.68 million by the end of 2016. The firm’s founder Tony Podesta, a top Democratic lobbyist and major contributor to Hillary Clinton, is working personally on the matter, according to a March filing. Podesta president Kim Fritts, a longtime Republican consultant and adviser to Jeb Bush, is listed on the contract, which the firm would not elaborate on.”

Further proof that Clintonites crave money more than morals. While the country reels at the accusations that our supposed ally was involved in the 9/11 terrorst attacks, the clinton machine is raking it in protecting the country that harbored these secrets.

Source: Brietbart

Photo: Tribes of the World



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