Karl Rove recently suggested that Hillary Clinton might have brain damage due to her fall in her Washington, DC, home in December 2012, where she sustained a concussion.
Doctors said she formed a blood clot behind her right ear in the space between her brain and skull.
“Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that,” asked Rove.
Karl Rove stunned a conference when he suggested Hillary Clinton may have brain damage.
Onstage with Robert Gibbs and CBS correspondent and “Spies Against Armageddon” co-author Dan Raviv, Rove said Republicans should keep the Benghazi issue alive.
He said if Clinton runs for president, voters must be told what happened when she suffered a fall in December 2012.
The official diagnosis was a blood clot. Rove told the conference near LA Thursday, “Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.”
Rove repeated the claim a number of times to the audience. Clinton’s rep said, “Please assure Dr. Rove she’s 100 percent.”
Despite Rove’s claims, then-Secretary of State Clinton was discharged from New York Presbyterian Hospital after spending three days undergoing treatment for a potentially life-threatening blood clot.
She was seen walking out of the Manhattan hospital for another series of tests but returned to the hospital shortly thereafter. She needed more tests related to her condition, the AP reported, citing unnamed officials.
Clinton, weakened by a stomach virus, fell in her Washington, DC, home in December 2012 and sustained a concussion. Her doctors said a blood clot had formed behind her right ear in the space between her brain and skull.A spokesperson for Clinton added, “Karl Rove has deceived the country for years, but there are no words for this level of lying.”
As for her health, “She is 100 percent. Period.”
She’s ALWAYS had “BRAIN DAMAGE”!!!! THAT’S why the LEFT wants her as PRESIDENT do BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Egyptians send a letter to Obama and NATO:
Dear Obama and NATO: Why you do not make war on terrorism against Islamic Free Army in the East of Libya now? Why you are waiting till they invade Egypt, then you shall claim suddenly that Egypt became a terrorist country, that should be striken by US-NATO? Why are you sending all terrorist and jihadist militias of all kinds, nationalities and names, from all over the world to the East of Libya, at the West borders of Egypt? Why are you funiding, training, arming and leading these terrorist and jihadist assassins, by the hands of your officers? Why they are supplied with modern US-NATO weapons, and spying drones? Why are you sending them to African and Asian countries to kill Christians, then you send your troops to occupy these countries? Why are using chemtrails and HAARP, to create climate disasters in Egypt and Arab countries who support Egypt? Why are you planning for a destructive earthquake and to activate a volcano in the Delta o Egypt, soon? Why are you supporting Muslim Brotherhood, who are the trunk from which all terrorist and jihadist militias originated? Why are you planning to kill Elsisi, and why are you supporting Sabahi, who is a sleeping cell of Muslim Brotherhood, to become the next Egyptian President? Why are you threatening Dr Tawfik Okasha, who is known as the Egyptian Alex Jones, who owns the most popular TV channel, Faraeen, which exposed your conspiracy? Why are you planning to prevent Presidential Elections in Egypt by all means? And finally, why have you killed Chrsitopher Stevens in Benghazi by the hands of Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood? Why Muslim Brotherhood are blackmailing you? And why have you stolen secret documents from the US Embassy there? Because Christopher Stevens attempted to expose US-NATO creating the Islamic Free Army in Libya, to spread jihad? Yes, exactly!
It’s hard to diagnose, she’s a Democrat.
She never had a fall that was made up to keep her quiet about Benghazi
She might if she had one
Hitler-y was brain deformed before she fell.
no she will have to get a brain first
no brain damage, just brain dead!
It’s obvious that she is brain dead.
would,nt that be nice!