The 2016 Presidential Campaign will long be discussed and remembered for not only its viciousness, but also as the campaign of the leaked emails, hidden videos, criminal attempts to rig the vote and incite violence, and stark choices. History is being made.
One part of that history centers on the employment of political operatives by the Clinton campaign to incite violence at Trump campaign events. Hillary, the self-proclaimed champion of women, as been implicated in deploying activists to bully women at Trump rallies should they have the temerity to actually support Mr. Trump.
The attempt has been made by Clinton apparatchiks to keep their candidate and least one step removed from these offenses committed on her behalf. That way she could always claim that she didn’t know about such activities if they got caught.
Guess, what? They got caught. And so did Hillary. How? See the video on page two.
She sure looks happy…busted…
Go President Trump!
Everyone should be able to see, even considering the twisted media, all Killary has to offer is paying violent thugs to beat up & intimidate her opponents supporters. She firebombed the Trump campaign office. She is paying BLM to race bait, bully and intimidate & threaten whites & law enforcement. She paid FBI A BRIBE of $500,000 to stay out of jail, she has rigged the voting machines and she is bringing in over 500 % more Islamic Muslims who rape & abuse women & children & kill gays. She can’t run on policy, her Obama Care fiasco is horrible news for everyone. Her presidency would be run with these same tyrannical bullying methods. Russia says if she wins be prepaired for war! What could possibly be a reason to vote for her? They give then they yank it away! VOTE FOR TRUMP! MAKE AMERICA GREAT! DRAIN THE SWAMP! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Next ….we will be told how corrupt she is…….and how she has been a champion of women , and how she didn’t delete all those e-mails, and how she is going to provide jobs by putting the labor force out of work…..the list is an endless of lies upon lies…..She belongs in jail!
Crooked hillary.
She belongs in jail.
No!?!?! hillary would do that? No big news there.
Sometimes I think prison is to good for and a bullet would be better.