The 2016 Presidential Campaign will long be discussed and remembered for not only its viciousness, but also as the campaign of the leaked emails, hidden videos, criminal attempts to rig the vote and incite violence, and stark choices. History is being made.
One part of that history centers on the employment of political operatives by the Clinton campaign to incite violence at Trump campaign events. Hillary, the self-proclaimed champion of women, as been implicated in deploying activists to bully women at Trump rallies should they have the temerity to actually support Mr. Trump.
The attempt has been made by Clinton apparatchiks to keep their candidate and least one step removed from these offenses committed on her behalf. That way she could always claim that she didn’t know about such activities if they got caught.
Guess, what? They got caught. And so did Hillary. How? See the video on page two.
we know she did…….she’s nothing but a lying POS……and that missing $6 Billion, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was in on it…..I’d tell her to go to hell but the devil is fed up with her too…..
—And Trump openly called for Clinton to be shot—So hw are “disruptive tactics” worse than Assassination ???
And we thought she’s handle things nicely why?
Exactly when did he call for an assassination?
Briwn Shirts! 70 years ago there was a group known as the “Brownshirts” in Germany that did the bidding of the far left party of their day. Sometimes this word is tossed about but not everyone knows what it means, or where it comes from. I have been hearing this term thrown about a lot lately and decided to share.
They were a paramilitary detachment of the German political party:
National Socialist German Workers Party $#%&!@*Party).
The Brownshirts were a particularly violent arm of the$#%&!@*Party that did not hesitate to employ violence against their political opponents, sometimes going as far as to beat the *speakers* of political rallies. They functioned as bodyguards of$#%&!@* They frequently taunted Jews and provoked violence on them. They were Socialist bullies blinded by their Cult-of-Personality Leader.
James Lee Tucke —http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/09/trump-suggests-hillary-be-shot-in-speech-clinton-camp-calls-remarks-dangerous.html
James Lee Tucke —http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-trailguide-updates-trump-advisor-clarifies-calls-for-1471378277-htmlstory.html
future felon lifelong criminal hillary and felon criminal craemer
Her mouth looks like the inside of a camel’s butt and spouts as much c**p lies. !!!!