As we wade through the swamp infested by organizations promoting global government and the destruction of national sovereignty such as the United Nations, the EU, and the World Bank, we will sooner or later run into the Council on Foreign Relations.
Boasting a virtual “who’s who” of globalists as members, the CFR wields a powerful influence in world affairs. And if you don’t already have enough reasons to reject Hillary Clinton as a candidate for president, her fealty before this group should do the trick.
Hillary virtually takes orders from the CFR, although that probably doesn’t bother her since both she and the group are on the same page anyway. And it should come as no surprise. What was a bit surprising was her public admission of the influence the CFR had over US foreign policy during her tenure as secretary of state.
Listen to Hillary in her own words describe her relationship with the CFR on page two.
We do not want all that global c**p!! If you do ….go to a country with global economy and when you come running back we will still be here greater than ever!!! Trump for president!!
We could see that when you picked corrupt greedy Gore to campaign with you..
And you want to be in command for what?
Dawne Pleten , thank you for filling in some gaps in what I knew.
Another reason NOT to vote for her.
George Soros, the biggest devil on earth.
Greg L Hampton I have seen it…. Thank you…Keep posting it….
Orders should come from we the people you dumb bitch
I wish she would not do so, but maybe she cannot find anyone here that will listen to her, or not smart enough, go figure