Bill and Hillary made it to Trump’s inauguration. It’s not like the world would have stopped had they stayed home. But before people start assigning any magnanimity on their part to their decision to attend, consider that it might well have been that they were caught between two lousy choices.
One option would be to show up and be miserable as they watched Trump take the oath of office to which they believed Hillary was entitled. That had to be excruciating. And it showed on their faces. The other choice would have been to skip the event and be referred to as sore losers, or worse. Given their jumbo-sized egos, that wasn’t an appealing choice either. So they decided to show up and tough it out.
On the other hand, things could be worse for Hillary. More on page two.
I don’t care how she feels,
I despise her but she did show, looked well, best outfit I have ever seen on her. Michelle Obama however looked like an old dowdy grand mom. She can keep her designer.
U do have a point.
Yeah. Somebody screwed up!!!!
Hope the remainder of her life is nothing but misery.
She sucking up so trump won’t put her in prison
Lock her up
I voted for Trump,but you gave to give her some credit she showed,and did what she had to do.
There is a proper place for things to be said like that, but this wasn’t it. We do not need to resemble the snowflakes, we are better than that. It was disrespectful to Trump and to the rest of our movement to unleash that kind of rhetoric at the inaugural.
I firmly agree.