Hillary is delusional. How she can live in a world being destroyed by Islamic radicals and make the following statement, only demonstrates a disconnect from truth and reality.
For Hillary, it is the conservative American that is the enemy and not the blood-thirsty men and women of ISIS and Islamic infamy that is the danger to society.
She tweeted the following statement, “Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”
Ironic, as recent news coming out of Mali is of an Islamic terrorist attack on a Radisson hotel where hostages are being held at this very moment. These are the peaceful and tolerant people to which Hillary refers. Perhaps their hate reflects the devious nature of Hillary’s heart and she cannot see the difference.
The next page gives more detail of her lunacy on full display. When the world is burning at the hands of Muslim extremists, Hillary foolishly claims that this is what peace and tolerance looks like.
How can people support her? She is an idiot!!!
Oh boy
Really, , what world do you come from. Oh! you are the hildabeast wo has done no wrong, or got 4 U.S. personal Murdered in Bengazie due to lack of support. You collect money from these muslim countries for you to turn your head. HILDABEAST we don’t want you in charge of changing a light bulb no where near the White House.
This$#%&!@*is full of$#%&!@*
more lies from an$#%&!@*!!!
Hillary Clinton is full of$#%&!@*and a trader to this country. Besides being a murderer she let them men die in Benghazi her and Obama and the rest of them fools. Vote for. Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump for President. But never for Hillary Clinton.
How about those that rape or stone women and young girls or even those that behead Christians? She is an idiot
And this woman wants to be president? LOL