Much like the rest of her persona and campaign, Hillary Clinton drew a total blank when asked about her “number one accomplishment”. Hillary was in her first live interview of her campaign season with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and totally whiffed the most important question.
What was her silly answer? Check the next page:
That’s cause she ain’t got none!!! Hillbilly Hillary and Hillbilly Bill.
what accomplishment except to get us citizens killed in bengahzi ????????????
Not so fast now. I read where she was bragging about one of her accomphishments. Let me see how did she word that. Oh she said she has flown about a million miles 1st class commercial at the tax payers expense.
Hillary just go home and take a hike. We have seen and heard enough of you and your jokes and lies. You are not funny at all. You hand over nothing and it is sick to hear to say that everything has to be pulled out of you. Delete Delete yourself
Here’s one!
There is no top accomplishment
um a felon
# 1 helped fore guys get killed in Benghazi.
Because she has not got one! Lol