Much like the rest of her persona and campaign, Hillary Clinton drew a total blank when asked about her “number one accomplishment”. Hillary was in her first live interview of her campaign season with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and totally whiffed the most important question.
What was her silly answer? Check the next page:
I know nothing
I know her TOP accomplishment— NOT BEING ABORTED ! Others should have the same chance ! Can NOT stand this awful woman! My vote is for Mr. Trump.
Number one is probably Benghazi. Four people killed!
she could have listed by now…
She could if she understood the definition of “bald faced liar” .
She’s really good at holding a sincere face as she lied about a mean video to the families of those killed in Benghazi in a terrorist attack. A proven timeline shows clearly she knew 100% by the time of the caskets arrival Benghazi was a terror attack. That takes true indifference to hold such an ability in such a situation…guess Wolf should ask if that’s presidential?